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I awoke to birds chirping around me, and something licks my cheek. Opening my eyes, I screamed seeing an iguana scamper away from me. Crawling away, realizing I had washed up onto land. Looking around I had no idea where I was. Sighing, I wrapped my arms around my knees, crying. I had just lost everything to me, my mother and father. Everything...

After, crying for a good couple of minutes. I wiped the tears away from my face. Standing up, looking up at the sun. Realizing it was in the middle of the afternoon. I knew I needed to find shelter and build a fire for the night. Walking along the beach, I saw a huge tree. A house was built up into it, it blended in with it.

Looking closer, I realized it was smack in the middle of the land. Knowing if I wanted to go there I would have to go through the forest. Reaching down into my boot, I realized my dagger was still there. Gripping onto it, I then trudged into the wilderness.

Looking everywhere, watching out for dangerous creatures. As I was walking I heard all types of creatures. Different types of birds, bugs, and a howl come from near me. That one scared me the most.

Starting to walk a little faster, almost running when I tripped over a root. I started to tumble down a hill. Stopping at the bottom, I laid there staring up at the canopy of the trees. Realizing I had dropped my dagger, sitting up and looking around. Knowing I would not find it. Continuing onto where I thought the tree house was when I realized it starting to get dark really fast.

Knowing that soon some animals would be coming out to hunt. Trying to walk a little faster, I heard a howl come from nearby again. That's when I started to run. Hearing the thumping of something following me, almost screaming but keeping it in. I ran even faster. When suddenly, I was skidded to a stop. Realizing I was stuck, now cornered up on a cliff face.

Turning around, I waited for the creature to attack me. Hearing the rustling, I closed my eyes. Waiting for it to attack when I felt something rub up against my leg. Looking down at two yellow eyes that belonged to a pup. It was a wolf, but noticing it was just a puppy. I laughed a little from being scared of a puppy. Kneeling down I petted the wolf. He came to about my knees, he licked my hand. Standing up, I looked around.

Looking back down, "I don't suppose you could help me find some shelter in this crazy forest?" I asked the wolf. He just tilted his head and walked away into the bushes.

About to walk the other way, when he came back staring at me. He whined at me, "Do you want me to follow you?" I asked.

That's when he whined again. "Okay..." I said, shrugging my shoulders and following the wolf.

We soon made it to a nice cave, it was abandoned. I sat there in the dark up against the rocks in the cave. The wolf sat down beside me and then laid down beside me. That's when I heard my stomach growl, knowing in the morning I would have to find some type of food before I starved. I laid down beside the wolf. He just stared at me with his lazy blue eyes.

"What should I call you?" I whispered, petting the top of his head.

"What about Ren?" He just looked at me not caring.

"Well, that's what I'm calling you no matter what," I said, soon falling asleep.

I woke up to Ren licking me on the face, and then I felt something drop on my stomach. Realizing what had landed on me had fur, I opened up my eyes. Seeing a dead squirrel. I jumped up, crawling away.

Squeaking in fear, Ren looked at me worried. "It's okay," I said, petting him.

Finally, getting a good look at Ren. His fur was pitch black with blue eyes. I went and picked up the squirrel, and sat it down on a rock. Knowing I needed to find wood, and I needed to also make a weapon. I was glad my mother showed me how to make a bow.

Just thinking about her made me want to cry, but I held my emotions back. I walked out of the cave, looking around for a stick. Finding a bundle of them, I then set back to the cave. Finding Ren was still there. Setting down the twigs, and making a fire.

Starting the fire, was now my problem. Finding a flat piece of wood, and twig. I started to roll the tip of the stick against the wood. Smoke started to float up from the wood. Blowing against it to get it started. Squealing in excitement I started to place more wood on it and then setting logs on it.

Walking back to the cave, I grabbed the squirrel and skinned it. I then speared it onto a stick letting it cook above the fire. Twirling it around to have it evenly cooked so I could eat it. When it was cooked I began to chow down, feeling my hunger start to disappear.

Throwing the rest of the uneaten squirrel to Ren, he devoured the rest of it. I then threw on a log for the fire. Walking back out into the forest, Ren followed me. I walked around, trying to find a sturdy piece of wood to make a bow out of. Finally, finding one near a stream. I kneeled down cupping my hands drinking the water. It ran down my throat, it was cold heaven to me. Drinking what I could, I stood back up.

I then heard growling come from Ren, looking down he was looking across the stream. I saw the bushes start to move, backing up. I felt my fear start to take over me when a black sleek cat walked out.

Almost screaming, I began to run back to the cave. Ren followed me, zigging and zagging the whole way back. Finally, making it back. Collapsing onto the cold hard rock floor. I put more wood on the fire, hoping that it would scare away the panther if it had followed us. Realizing I still had the piece of wood in my hand, sitting down where I had slept. I took a rock and started to shape a bow.

The Man in the WildernessWhere stories live. Discover now