Run Away Love

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It's been a week since what happened with Adam's brother, James. I was slowly healing, and gaining my weight back. And I still couldn't find Ren, and I knew my hope of finding him was slowly disappearing. At the moment, Adam and I were making our way carefully back to the tree house. Going to gather some of things of mine, and then we were to go to shore. To see if we can find anything else from my ship. As we were walking, Adam was talking about with the salvaged wood we should build a fence around the entrance of the cave. Just encase James was to find it, or any dangerous creature who was hungry.

Making it to the tree house around noon, and my stomach growled. Adam handed me the bag that was packed with food. I reach my hand in grabbing a couple of grapes. Shoving them in my mouth, and Adam laughed at me. "What?" I asked, giving him a glare.

"Nothing, just admiring you." He said.

Slipping one of his hands in mine. "Uh huh, that's what you were doing?" I asked, laughing.

"I was. And we are almost to the treehouse." He said, squeezing my hand lightly. I could see some of the treehouse through the tree's branches. Adam stopped right before the tree line vanished. "Let me go make sure it's safe first. Climb a tree until I come back for." Adam said.


Adam gave me a glare. "Please... I don't want you hurt again." He said, pulling me into him.

"Okay..." I whispered back.

I leaned back, but came back and gave him a quick kiss on the lips. I tried to go, but Adam would let me go. I heard myself moan, and his hands running up my arms. Gripping his hair in my hand, while the other hand gripped his shirt. Soon, my body was telling me to breathe, and it won. I gasped, pulling away. Adam smiled at me, and lifted me up to the nearby tree branch.

"Wait until I get back." He said, walking away from the tree I was hiding in.

I climbed a little higher, hiding in the branches. Watching as Adam quietly checked around the treehouse. Making sure it was safe for me. Suddenly, I heard whining come from nearby. I saw a furry creature, slowly walk out of the woods.

"Ren..." I whispered. He heard me, and barked a little collapsing to the ground.

Not thinking, and I jumped out of the tree. Going into a roll, laying on my side. I quickly stood up, running to him. Seeing bite and scratch marks running up and down his body. "Ren..." I whispered through a sob.

I gently placed my hands on me, and flinched from the pain of the wounds. "Adam!" I yelled half screamed.

He came quickly, "Clara, what's wrong?" He asked.

That's when he saw Ren. "Oh..." Adam kneeled down, looking over the wounds. "This was from the panthers. We need to get him back to the cave." Adam squatted down, lifting Ren over his shoulders. Quickly jogging into the woods.

I made sure that our tracks were gone. As Adam kept going, and I was following. Making it to the cave in a matter of minutes. Suddenly, I trip over something and I fall to the ground. I lay there stunned for a couple of minutes, staring into the ground. Pushing myself up from the ground, shaking my head. I stood up, brushing myself off. Wondering what I could of trip over, and that's when I brushed my hands over something wooden. It was my bow, and I held it close to me. Walking back to the cave, and having my bow on my back. Before I walked in I made sure to cover my tracks.

I saw Adam in the pool with Ren. Ren was still lifeless, and tears began to fall down my face. Kneeling down to the waters, and trying to wipe the tears away. Adam looked over at me. "He is going to be okay. Ren is breathing and he just needs some rest right now. So I am going to take him to one of the rooms." Adam explained to me.

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