The Truth

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It took a few hours for them to leave. During those few hours I went to Adam's bedroom. I made the bed with the couple of blankets that were there. I found a book, it was old. The letters were fading. That's when I thought about my shipwreck.

Could there have been supplies washing up to shore. Looking outside, knowing I had a couple of hours left. I look around and see the men were gone. Adam was picking the meat out of the hollow tree. I whistled for Ren and came up beside me. I then ran down the stairs with Ren right behind me.

I heard Adam yell at me, "Clara!" But I just kept on running farther away from the tree house.

Finally, I slowed down. Hearing the crashing of the waves. Reminding me of my voyages in the open sea. I took my boots off, letting my feet sink into the sad. Sighing, I looked out. Seagulls flying over the ocean. Seeing a dolphin jump out of the water.

Seeing how peaceful it is now, but in a second it can become the most dangerous thing in the world. Walking out to where I think the ship had wrecked all those days ago. Ren ran past me, playing in the water. Finding a branch, I begin to throw it to him and him bringing it back to me.

As we were walking along the coast I kept finding piles of wood probably from the ship. I finally see the ship, a tear runs down my face. I wipe it away, and continue on walking. Seeing half the mast of the ship hidden in the rocky boulders.

Walked around them, trying to find a safe way to get to the ship. Feeling Ren brush up beside me telling me that it was going to be dark soon. Not knowing if I wanted to stay here for the night, or go back to the tree house. I sigh in frustration, and sit in the sand. Ren comes up beside me, and lays down, his head in my lap. I begin to pet his head, his soft black fur tickling my hand.

The next thing I know, I have fallen asleep. I wake up to Ren licking my face. Sitting up to see sun coming up, and the waves were still crashing. I see the ship again, and push myself to go over there. I walk over to the rocks, and begin to climb them.

Making it over the rocks, I made Ren stay where he was. Safe encase something goes wrong. Looking around for boxes, I find some hidden in the rocks. I grab a sharp rock, and bang it against the lid. Breaking it open, and finding glasses of milk, water, and alcohol. Placing the lid back on the box, and I pick it up.

And start to climb back down, carefully. Setting it down, when suddenly I see a figure walking toward me. I slowly start to recognize that it is Adam. And he is furious, his face didn't show any emotion. I begin to climb back up quickly, and resume to finding boxes. A couple were in the actual ship. I began to climb in, and hearing the ship start to creak.

"Clara..." Looking behind me, I see Adam. Starting to climb up behind me.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.

"I was coming to find you, when you didn't come back last night. I kind of got worried." I started to feel embarrassed, because I felt so bad that I left.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to make you worry. Do you want to help me look for supplies?"

He nodded, and climbed up next to me. "Is this your ship?" He asks.

I slowly nod my head. "Yes, it was."

I walk away seeing another box. "Clara, do you mind if I take the wood from your ship to clean up the tree house?" I look back at him, as he looked down at the ground.

"Yes, that is fine. This ship isn't going to be used at all. You can take as much as you like." I say, continuing onto the boxes.

fIt took a couple of hours to search the ship, Adam has now collected a pile of wood to take back. I had three boxes of stuff I had combined into all these things. Blankets, food, and random supplies that we could use sometime. Ren during this had disappeared, and I whistled for him. But he didn't come, I grew worried for him as we carried our stuff back to the tree house.

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