Creatures in the Night

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The night began to set in, my bow was almost completed. I knew I needed string, so I took some off of my shirt, making my white shirt go to my belly button. I didn't care anymore, tying it onto the piece of wood. Flicking back the string, I heard it thrum.

Knowing it would work, for now, taking some small sticks, I made them into arrows. Having about fifteen arrows to go with my bow. I knew I had finally made a weapon for myself. Laying down, and staring at the fire. I then fell asleep. About the middle of the night, I heard growling come from near me.

Opening my eyes, I saw Ren standing and staring into the forest. I sat up grabbing my bow and seeing pairs of glowing of eyes. Staring at us, not moving. I moved to a crouching position, aiming an arrow out into the forest. Waiting for them to come, and they did. Shooting one in the chest, grabbing another arrow.

Taking another one down, when I was tackled. Pushing my arm against its neck, watching its white teeth trying to bite me. Feeling its claws rip open my stomach. I smelled and felt the blood go everywhere. Feeling around with my hand, I found a rock. Slamming it in the head with it, stunning it. Getting off of me, I looked around for Ren but he was gone, it was only me and this panther. I saw two more crawl out of the forest.

"Come on!" I screamed out.

When suddenly, I saw a dagger hit one of the panthers. And then another, until they were all dead. Staring at their lifeless bodies, I fell to my knees. Wrapping my arms, around my bleeding torso. Watching as I saw a man step out of the woods, he had dark colored hair and the most beautiful eyes in the world.

Bright blue, he was also buff. I couldn't take my eye off his abs. Good Lord! Why didn't he have a shirt on? Thinking I had finally gone crazy. He wore pants and a sword on his waist. He slowly started to walk toward me. I started to panic and scoot back, he then saw that I was scared of him.

He showed me his hands, "I'm not going to hurt you..." He whispered.

His voice was sexy and very deep. He walked to me, laying his hands on my shoulders. Helping me lay down, I looked into his bright blue eyes. Knowing I was dying, realizing I was going to go see my parents. When I felt him, swoop me up in his arms. Relaxing, I let the pain envelop me. Blacking out again.

I saw my parents. We were all happy, the ship was fixed. They were all still alive. I hugged each one of them crying out in pain. "Mom... Dad..." I whispered. Seeing their smiling face. Hugging them tightly. When I heard a voice say, "Come on! Come back. It's not your time!" I looked back at my parents and they started to vanish. I screamed out for them.

Gasping for air, I sat up screaming out in pain. Forgetting about what had happened. Tears ran down my face, sitting up against the pain. I realized I was laying on a bed, and seeing a fire going in the fireplace. I then heard running, coming to the room. Looking to see the man that had save me, he just stared at me. This time he wore a shirt and different pants. Not knowing what to do, I just stared right on back. Feeling the same way.

"W-Who are you?" I finally stuttered.

He started to walk over to me. I felt my body tense up, and he saw that. Stopping he just stood there.

"May I check your bandages?" He asked avoiding my question.

Looking down I realized they had started to bleed through. I nodded.

He slowly walked over to me, he reached underneath the bed. Collecting bandages, and cleaning material. "Will you please lay down?" He asked.

I slowly laid down, groaning in pain. I saw that he was worried about me. He then quickly changed my bandage and sat the stuff back underneath the bed. He then sat down in a chair beside the bed.

"Where am I?" I asked, staring at him.

He looked at me, "You are in my home, you are safe. I am not going to hurt you, I promise."

I just nodded. "If you don't mind me asking, where did you come from." He asked me.

I felt my throat close up from all the emotions. "I... a shipwreck... they all died..." I said with a couple of tears falling down my cheeks.

"I'm truly sorry." He said.

Looking up at him. "Who are you?" I asked again.

He sighed, "My name is Adam. And what is your's?"

Focusing my eyes on my boots, I whispered out. "It's Clara."

He stood up, "Well, Clara. You should get some rest. You are still worn out from that wound."

He then walked out of the room. Pulling the blanket, and covering myself. I fell asleep to the crackle of the fire, wondering what was going to happen to me now.

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