Clara V.S. Poachers & A Crocodile

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Walking through the forest with Adam beside me. Ren was running in and out of the path along with us. Apparently, Adam had created paths throughout the forest. Leading to things, like a waterfall or a swamp, even a beautiful meadow. The cave he had found me, which was only a couple of days ago.

As we were walking and looking around. I heard the sound of the roaring water and I knew that we were close. Adam was ahead of me now with Ren. Never noticing that I was behind them and so I decided to go off the beaten path. Pushing past the crazy bushes and tree limbs, climbing over fallen trees and stepping over rocks. I walk toward the rushing water when suddenly I slip. Falling to the ground, and realizing that I was standing on the edge of a cliff. Slowly I crawl back and look over the edge.

It was a huge cliff, and if I fell it would be a long way down, my body into a million of pieces as I think about the sharp rocks at the bottom. Sighing, I sit there trying to get my heart to beat normally and not racing on the inside. Suddenly, I heard the bushes behind me start to move. It was one of the poachers. He stood a couple of feet in front of me and he just looked at me with shock.

Gun raised, thinking I was an animal of some sort. I raise my hands in the air. "Who are you?" He asks. I just stay quiet, not wanting to say anything. "Come on, girl! What's your name?" He yelled.

His voice started to get louder and I took a step back. Not realizing that I was so close to the edge again, of the cliff. That's when I heard something else coming toward us and seeing Ren. He jumped out of bushes, landing in front of me. Bearing his teeth with saliva dripping out of his mouth.

The poacher stood there and that's when he aimed his gun at Ren. "Noo!" I screamed pushing Ren out of the way. Feeling the bullet graze my arm and feeling myself fall into the air. "Clara!!" I heard someone scream my name.

Landing in the ice cold water, gasping from the impact of it all. Trying to look around and swimming with the current. When I saw the edge of the waterfall coming up fast. That's when I felt something grab me. I scream, splashing around.

"Clara!" That's when I realized it was Adam.

"Hold on to me!" He yelled. I wrapped my arms around his neck.

That's when I felt weightlessness and nothing around us. Realizing that we were falling and falling toward the water, which was coming fast. The next minute we were surrounded by water and I had let go of him. Trying to get to the surface. When I hit my head on something and seeing black dots.

But I pushed through the dizziness, swimming to shore and the sun peeking through the water. Reaching the surface, swimming, and pulling my body across the wet, gritty sand and flipping over on my back. Staring up at the clouds and that's when I realized, Adam wasn't anywhere near me, so where was he. Sitting up real fast, but just falling back again. My head was spinning, taking deep breaths and that's when I heard water splashing near me.

Sitting up slowly and seeing something moving around in the water near the shore. That's when out popped a 10-foot crocodile. Screaming, and pushing myself away from the water's edge. When Adam jumped out of the water and grabbed the crocodile's tail, and dragging him back into the water. Both of them splashing around and getting me all wet. 

Then it all stopped and the water went still, so still, it grew calm. Trying to stand up and looking into the water. Again, the crocodile jumps back out of the water and teeth coming right for me, snapping its mouth together. Screaming again and falling to the ground, crawling back to get away from the thousands of teeth and tongue. Adam jumps out of the water and stands in front of me.

That's when he started to talk in this funky language. "Gyaway fomena anei heian! Cliar noat foade! Gyaway!" He yelled at the beast.

The crocodile just stared at him with his mouth a gap. That's when the crocodile growled and backed off. Swimming away and flicking its tail as it swam deeper into the clear water. Adam just stared at him and stood where he was. Finally, I collapse on the ground. Seeing that my legs had given out from the fear and shock of what I witnessed. Adam looked down at me and kneeled down. Touching my cheek lightly with his hand, stroking it a couple of times. Having me stare into his light blue eyes. "Are you okay?" He asks.

I slowly nod my head. "Yep, perfectly fine," I say, my voice all shaky still.

"Here, we need to go before something else happens." He says, standing up and offering his hand to me. I take it and have him help me up. Suddenly we heard rustling coming from the bushes in front of us. I jumped back behind Adam and he stood up taller. Preparing for what is coming when. I heard a whimper, "Ren..." I called out.

That's when I heard a bark. And the black form of Ren came closer and I kneeled down giving him a hug. Having him lick my face too death. I started to laugh when I felt pain shoot through my arm. That's when I realized blood was dripping off my arm from where the bullet grazed arm from the poacher.

That's when I felt a hand grab my arm and I winced in pain. "Sorry." He said.

Hearing the sound of ripping of clothing. And pressure laying on my arm and I bite my tongue. Trying to hold back the pain of the wound. "We need to get back to the house. I can get you bandaged up there." Adam said.

"I'll be fine. We can keep going." I said, walking forward.

When Ren jumped in front of me, growling. I just stared at him. "Really?" I ask.

He barks a little. "Fine, will go back to the tree house," I said, stomping away from them.

"Umm... Clara...." Adam said.

Turning around and glaring at him. "What?!" I yelled.

"You're going the wrong way."

"Urgg!" I screamed. Following Adam and Ren back to the tree house.

Halfway to the tree house, Ren had fallen back and walked alongside me. I had my hand in his fur as we walked down the small worn out trail. The sun was starting to go down, meaning it was around dinner time. Not realizing we had been out pretty much all day and practically done nothing to help us.

My whole body was hurting from what happened and I had started to limp a little as we walked. Adam not noticing that I was falling behind when suddenly, I heard something coming closer to us. I knew it was a powered vehicle, because of the roar of the engine and the sound of tires against dirt. 

Seeing lights coming in front of us. Adam turned right around, grabbing my hand. Running back the way we just came. Suddenly a jeep comes shooting out of the bushes right behind us. Ren was running in front of us and I started to fall behind, letting go of Adam's hand. But he just pulled me along with him.

Running for our lives. Shoving tree limbs and bushes out of our paths. That's when suddenly, coming back behind us. Gazelles came leaping in front us. Dunking our heads, not to get hit by the gazelles. "We need a way out!" I screamed at Adam.

That's when he wrapped his arms around my waist. That's when I felt us swinging and realizing we were on the outskirts of the cliff. I shut my eyes, tightly and held onto Adam. "I've got you." He whispered.

As we swung around the cliff. "Open your eyes. Were about to hit land." He said.

Slowly I opened my eyes and saw the tree house coming into view. Suddenly, Adam let go of the vine. Now, we were falling to the ground. As we were falling Adam hugged me to his body. Not knowing where we were going to land since it was dark. "Hold onto me." He said.

That's when we hit the ground with a large thud. Knocking the air out of both us. That's when I loosened my grip on Adam and I flew away from. I screamed his name and rolled against the ground, my whole bruising along the way and cuts all over my arms and face. Hitting a tree and sliding down its truck. Laying on my side and seeing darkness cloud my vision as I hear my name being called. 

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