At Death's Door

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I sat in a cage hung up in a tree above the waterfall at which Adam had fought the crocodile. I could here it swimming, waiting for me to be his next snack. Tears ran down my face, as I waited for James to come back. And he did, "Well, it's been a week since you said your so called lover would come and save you..." He said, laughing at me.

"He will come..." I coughed out. My dry throat parched from not having water for the last couple of days. Skin and bones was all that was left of me.

"Well, by the time he does. You're probably going to be dead." James said with a chuckle. Walking back to where the poachers were camped out a couple of feet away on the cliff side. Curling up into a ball, watching the sun go down for the night. Waiting for the cold to cover me, shivering inside the cage. Turning to watch the poacher sitting around the fire, and soon that fire was killed by one of them. Seeing all of them fall asleep.

Suddenly, the bushes began to shake quietly. Staring at them not know if this would be my death or my living. "Clara..." A tear slipped down my face, hearing his deep voice. Seeing his blue eyes and messy long brown hair.

"Adam... You came..." I croaked out. As the tears began to slip down my face faster.

"Shh... It's alright I'm here now. And I'm going to get you out of here." He said, walking to where I was hanging over the cliff. I didn't answer him back afraid my sobs would wake up the poachers and James. Adam was in thought when suddenly I heard a gunshot go off. And I was falling... Falling to my death, screaming. Cold water surrounding me, and I shook the bars. Trying to get out, to escape my cage. But it was no use... I was stuck and I was dieing. That's when I saw the crocodile coming closer, and biting the side of the cage. Ripping a hole in it, and that's when I escaped. Swimming to the top, and gasping for air.

I could see nothing that was in front of be. Swimming a little away, trying to find land. When I felt something touch my foot, and that made me stop in my tracks. Again, I felt something touch my foot. Pulling me down into the water, and I tried to get it off of me. Kicking whatever it is in the face with my boot. It then let go of me, and I swimming to the surface. Again it grabbed, biting hard on my foot. Feeling it's teeth rip open my flesh. Seeing the water darken even more by my blood. Kicking it again, it lets go. Suddenly, I feel light headed. I was going to drown and be eaten by this horrible creature. Darkness started to cloud my vision, when arms wrapped around me. Seeing Adam and he was dragging me to the surface. But I knew I wasn't going to back it. I squeeze his hand, and I stare up at him.

Adam stopped and pulled me closer to him. Crashing his lips onto mine, and kissed me. Realizing he was giving me some of his air. Pulling away, we began swim back to the surface. Making it there before I ran out air again. Adam held onto me as I was freaking out. "Shh, I got you. Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked. Brushing my brown hair out of my face. I nodded, "Okay, let's get to land." He said. Swimming with me in his arms. Adam then dragged me onto land, as I flipped to my back. Starring up at the night sky. He laid down next to me, and pulled me to him. "Come on. We need to go before he sends out the panthers." He said, helping me up. But I almost fell to the ground again. Adam caught me in his arms, picking me up. Walking away, and that's when I passed out.

Waking up to warmth all around me. Cuddling closer to the it, and feeling arms wrap around. But I was in pain, opening my eyes. Pushing away from it, and I saw Adam. Shock was all over his face, "Are you okay?" I shake my head.

"I don't know. Pain is running through me." I whimpered out.

"You may be hungry. Hold on a moment." Adam then got out of the bed, and walked out of the room. Seeing that we were back in the hidden cave. Adam soon comes back with a tray of food. "Here you go." I sit up against some pillows with Adam's help.

"Thank you." I said, grabbing some of the grapes. Popping some into my mouth. Adam sits on the bed with me, pulling me into his arms. I lay my head on his chest, and as I sit there eating. I see all the wounds I got from James. A tear slipped down my cheek, "Hey, what wrong?" He asked. A hand came underneath my chin, pulling my face to look up at him.

"I just it was so hard... N-Not knowing if-if I would survive i-it all." I said, through the sobs.

"Shh... Clara... You are here, safe with me. I promise nothing else will happen to you. I can't... Lose anymore of the people I love." He said, burying his head into my shoulder.

We stayed like this all night, and falling asleep in each other's arms. I woke up first in the morning, and saw Adam was still beside me, sleeping soundly. I quietly untangle myself out from his grip. Couple minutes later, I was walking around the cave. Going back to the healing pools, and that's when I realized, Ren.

"Ren..." I called out quietly, whistling.

Nothing came...

He wasn't here...

I fell to my knees in tears, wondering if he was killed. Anger grew in me, and my blood was boiling. I curled up in a ball beside the pool. Staring up at the ceiling of sparkling cave. Before I fell asleep, I felt arms wrap around me...

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