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I drove to the hospital behind the ambulance, I felt responsible for what happened and it only  felt right to go with him.

He had been rushed into the operating room as soon as he got there, so I was stuck pacing back and forth in the waiting room, kicking myself for letting this happen. He is so young, and he just looks so sweet, and fragile. Why would anyone want to do this to him? All because he would rather kiss a guy? It just seems so pointless to me.

After an hour in the waiting room, a woman bursts in, tears staining her cheeks. "Where is he?" she asked frantically looking around. I scanned the room, my eyes landing on the entry, seeing my parents walking towards me, hand in hand.

"DAN HOWELL. WHERE ARE YOU!" I jumped, surprised by the loud interruption, and turned towards the angry woman. Her eyes locked on mine, and I swallowed hard, fearing for my life honestly. "You." She walked right up to me, and instantly I felt a sharp pain on my jaw. No she didn't slap me, she punched me.

"What the hell?!" My mom took a protective stance in front of me  as I rubbed my jaw. Fuck that hurt. "Don't you dare lay another hand on my son or so help me i'll.."

"You're saying that to me?! When it is your piece of shit son that landed my son here?!" I froze in place as I realized that she is the boys mom.

"Excuse me? " My mom looked ready to kill. "Do not talk about him in that way you bitch. We don't know who your son is, but I can assure you that Daniel had nothing to do with whatever you're talking about!" I cringed, just wanting my mom to stop, because infact... I had everything to do with him being here.

"Phil, my son is Phil. And everyday since he started at this god damned school Daniel and his buddies have beaten my son daily, believe me, Mrs. Howell, I hear your son's name everyday at the dinner table when Philip is telling me who put those bruises on his body. " The woman was crying again, and I just wanted the universe to swallow me at that moment. My mom slowly turned to me, and I tried to not look at her, but she grabbed  my face, forcing me to.

"Daniel James.. Is this true?" Tears pricked my mothers eyes and I couldn't speak. Nothing came out. "ANSWER ME!" she yelled, slapping me hard across the face.

"Y-yes.. in a way" I said rubbing my cheek. My eyes burned with tears, and I sat down on the nearest chair, and put my head in my hands to hide my face.

"Well in a way Phil nearly died today because of you and your heartless friends." She sneered. I could feel her eyes boring into my soul. "But for some unknown reason to me, Phil has asked for you." I looked up, confused.

"Why me?"

"I don't know. But you can bet your ass that if you touch so much as a single hair on his head, I'll kill you." She waited for me stand up before she stomped away, back into the long corridor. I nervously looked around, every single person in the waiting room  either looked pissed at me, or shocked at what just took place. I cleared my throat and went to follow Phil's mom. My dad grabbed my arm

"We'll talk about this when you get home. As soon as you are done talking to that boy come straight home, no games son." I nodded weakly, and walked on, almost tripping over my feet.

I walked to room number 316 very slowly, not knowing what to expect. Is he mad? Greatful? Confused? I tapped lightly on the door, and heard a quiet "Come in."

Taking a deep breath I braced myself for whatever would happen behind the cracked door.


((( Not edited))))
i love you muffin cuties and thank you so much for reading this story

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