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Seconds ticked by feeling like hours as my torso ached. My head was pounding, and I couldn't make out any words that were being said.  I just heard mumbles, no matter how hard I tried to focus.

I saw Phil walk in, but nothing processed. Even when he ran to my side and put his hands on my face, I couldn't bring a coherent thought to my brain. I could tell he was frantic, and saying something, but I was just so tired. I reached up and cupped his cheek, I ran my bloodied finger across his cheek, wiping away his tears.

"Don't cry" I whispered. Unable to bring my voice any louder. Seconds later Phil was ripped out of my view, replaced by a man in a paramedic uniform. Confusion flooded my mind, I was expecting someone else, not a paramedic.

"Dan, Dan I need you to stay awake." I watched the mans lips move, hearing nothing, except maybe my name. "Dan are you listening? I swear, kid. C'mon You got this." How does this stranger know my name? Where did Phil go?   I was suddenly aware of the fact that I wasn't in pain anymore. I felt completely numb. All I wanted to do was sleep. My eyelids felt so heavy, I couldn't keep them open.

"No, Dan, wake up, we're almost there. DAN!" Someone was shaking my face, ultimately pissing me off. I opened my eyes long enough to give the man a dirty look for waking me up.

"Dan, please." That voice was Phil. I tried to look at him, but all i saw was blackness. "You have to be okay." His voice broke, my nearly unconscious mind could even process the fact that Phil was full on sobbing.

I tried to say something. What? I don't know. I will never know. Because my mind slipped away from me, and everything went silent, everything was calm, everything was...... gone.


..... It's over....

I love you guys so much, and I know that you hate me right now, so uhhhhhhh I gotta zayn.

This entire journey has been incredible. I appreciate every single one of you who read this story, voted or commented. This is the only story I have ever finished in my life, and i'm so happy that I got to share this experience with all of you guys.

Thank you. I love you.

((((( PSA This is not going to have a sequel, as far as I'm concerned. But I am definitely still going to be writing books (: ))))))

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