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You guys NEVER annoyed me. I just got a little frustrated that people kept telling me to update. I'm sorry that I made you guys feel like you annoyed me, that's not the case. I love you guys. So much. You guys are helping me live my lifelong dream of  becoming an author!!! I couldn't be more thankful for you guys and all you've done for me. I WILL TRY TO BE MORE CONSISTENT WITH UPDATES OKAY?! Love you xxx -Ciara

Phil stood quietly behind me as I unlocked the door, and guilt was eating my insides. When we got inside I set our shopping bags on the table and I watched Phil as he sat on the sofa and brought his legs to his chest. His defense mechanism. My heart physically hurt and all I wanted to do was fix it. Fix him.

"Phil are you hungry?" I asked tentatively. He shook his head no, and paid me no more heed.  "I'm going to order pizza for two, incase you change your mind." He ignored me and i sighed, getting my phone out.

Is it sad that I have Domino's number saved in my phone?

After I ordered I slowly walked into the large lounge room. There were plenty of places to sit, but I still chose the seat next to a reserved Phil. "I'm sorry if I hurt your feelings. I- I'm not used to this type of thing. It's not that I don't love you, because I do. I know I do. I wouldn't feel this lousy about hurting you if I didn't love you."  He raised his tear stained face and I felt my heart flutter. "I've never felt this way about anyone. And it's confusing me. I don't know how to act or what to say. I don't want to say the wrong things, but I've obviously failed at that already." I hmped and then continued. "Philip Lester. I love you. There is no denying it. I've loved you since day one, I just didn't know it yet. And here I am, laying my heart out, on this make believe table for you, take what you may."

Moments later his lips are on mine. I can feel the urgency behind it, as his hands wrap around my neck and my own hands find their way up the back of his shirt. The fire is burning on my lips as he pulls aways for air, a small smile on his flushed face. Again his lips are moving in perfect sync with mine, his tongue just brushing my bottom lip.   His hips are slowly rocking against my crouch, and I'm letting low moans escape my lips as his tongue is all over. I can hardly think straight as Phil starts sucking on my neck, no doubt leaving marks.

"Phil... Fuck." I gasp as he rotates his hips, my jeans getting even tighter.

"I love you Dan... I love you." Phil moans into my ear as I kiss down his neck. He starts fumbling with my jean's button and excitement rises even further in my stomach, only to be squashed down by a loud knock on the door.

I roll my eyes and sigh loudly at the stupid fast delivery guy. Phil's face is the deepest red I've ever seen, and I kiss his forehead as I walk passed him to the door, zipping my pants back up.

"Here." I hand him a $20 and quickly grab the large pizza and slam the door. "Keep the change!" I yell at the door. He yells a "thank you." back and I set the box on the kitchen counter, no longer in the mood for food.

"Do you want any Phil?" I ask. He nods and walk over grabbing a plate. He is still blushing as he puts two slices on his plate. "Phil you don't need to be embarrassed."

"I know... I just, I'm not normally so..... needy?" He says looking down at his obvious hard on.

"I'm not either. But you make me that way, Phil. We can finish that up
some other time." I say winking, and grabbing the T.V. remote.

UNEDITED AS FUCK. sorry for the awful, half smut. i tried, i really did.

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