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It was monday morning and I was seriously debating skipping school. Phil was still in the hospital and wouldn't be released until tomorrow. So I would have to face today, utterly alone.

As I had guessed, Shane had told about everyone in the fucking town that I was a "raging faggot" and I was going to give everyone AIDS. Lets just say that my facebook is littered with hate and obscene messages. I can't even imagine what school will be like.

"Mom, why can't I move to Antarctica? The people up there are so much friendlier." I groaned as I ate my cereal.

"And you would just leave Phil here to deal with all of this alone?" She said, taking a sip of her coffee. Dammit she had a great point.

Even though it had only been 3 days since Phil and I had properly met each other, we were basically inseparable. I spent every free second I had at the hospital, by Phil's side. I even became quite good friends with Phil's mom. Well... She doesn't hate me as much anyway.

"Whatever. I'll see you tonight.. unless I get murdered." My mom rolled her eyes, and I kissed her cheek on my way out the door.

"Of course it's raining." I mumbled to myself as I got out of my car, and started walking towards the school. I was early, so there weren't many people around, which I was very thankful for. The less people that saw me, the better.

"Hello Mrs. Jinkerson." I whispered to the librarian as I walked in. She smiled brightly at me and waved. She was quite possibly my favorite adult in this building. She was so friendly, no matter who you were or who you were related to or whatever, she treated you like a human being.

I spent my morning in the library on my phone, texting Phil.

To: Phil😊
"School is about to start, pray for me."

A moment after I hit send, the bell rang to go to class. I got up slowly and made my way to 1st period. It was this time that I remembered that I had homework over the weekend... That I didn't do.

I walked in and literally every head turned and stared at me. I knew my face was as red as blood as I made my way to my seat at the back of the class. I honestly thought that things like this only happened in movies. Like seriously, have you ever heard of an entire class turning all at the same time to stare at the same person?! This is apparently high school musical.

"Okay, pass up your assignments." Mrs. Weeks said. I cringed as I just sat there staring at my phone.

"Mr. Howell, where is your work?" She sneered down at me, she had always hated me, since freshmen year.

"I didn't do it. I-I forgot." She rolled her eyes and walked back to the front of the class and collected all of the assignments.

"I know why he didn't do it." I looked at the only person in the room who would dare speak up in Mrs. Weeks class. Shane was smirking at me. I wanted to fall in a hole and die.

"Oh, and why is that, Mr. Tucker?"

"He was too busy sucking cock."

It was silent. Even Mrs. Weeks was caught speachless. At least for a few seconds.

"You two, principles office, NOW." She pointed at both me and Shane and then went to her desk to call the office to tell them that we were on the way. I sighed a but too loud as I picked up my things and headed out the door, Shane not too far behind me.

The smart thing to do would have been to walk behind Shane. But I'm not know for my smarts. Seconds after I heard the door close, I was up against a locker, with something very sharp poking my side. "Shane did you just pull your pocket knife on me?" I hissed.

"So what if I did. What are you going to do about it? Tell your mommy? Cry to your boyfriend?" He spat in my face, and dug the knife deeper into my side. "Faggots like you don't deserve to live. You better watch your back Dan. Because next time I see you alone, I wont hesitate to make you feel the pain of this fancy thing." He laughed as he took the knife from my side and taunted me with it. It was by far the scariest looking pocket knife I'd ever seen.

"Get the hell off of me Shane. We both know I could beat your ass any day of the week." I pushed him away from the shoulders, and bent down to get my bag, only to be greeted by agonizing pain as his fist met my ribs.

"Oh can you, Danny boy?" I heard him laugh and walk away. All the while I'm staring at the white tiles, now littered with vivid red dropplets.

a/N (obvi unedited, soz)
Poor dan): My baby boy): 

okay we are finallY GETTING INTO THE INTERESTING PART GUYS! im sorry it took so long/:

WOW HOLY FUCKING SHIT. 1,000 READS?!? WHAT IS LIFEEEEE? I love you guys so much thank you(:

This chapter is dedicated to ninjapotatopanda bc she has been here  from the start and i love reading her comments!!!

a/n 2.0

can we talk about how sad i am that Phil isnt going to do the "draw phil naked" anymore? )))): such sad many cry. byeeee

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