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"Phil do you own a christmas sweater?" I asked out of the blue. He put his fork down and looked at me oddly.

"No? But I have always wanted one. Do you have one?" He pushed his plate of half eaten eggs and bacon away. I stood up and put our dishes in the sink.

"No. I want one too. So I think that's where we'll start our shopping adventures." He smiled widely and stood up, and I wrapped my arms around him, stopping him. "I like hugging you Phil." I buried my head in his chest, and he laughed softly.

"What has gotten into you Dan?" I thought for a moment. Flashes of Phil's smile and his bright eyes filled my mind.

"I can't stop thinking about you. Every time I close my eyes, I see you. Before we became friends, I only cared about myself, but now the only thing I care about, is you, Phil." I could tell he wasn't expecting that answer by the way he stayed silent. He then held me as tight as a vice, and I never wanted this moment to end.

"Dan you're amazing. You know that right?" He whispered in my ear.

"Not as amazing as you."

"Shut up. Lets go, if we stay like this any longer I wont want to leave." And just like that we were separated again. I instantly felt cold without Phil's body wrapped around me. Without another word I grabbed my keys and we heded out the door.

chapter 15 coming late tomight maybe. lolz sorry guys, love you

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