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"Why can't we just go to your house and order pizza?" Phil whined as I pulled into his driveway.

"Because I have tons of homework, and Adrian already has friends over, and I don't want them to bother us."  He huffed at my answer and got out of my car. "Bye Phil, see you tomorrow." I smiled at him at he waved me off. Why does he want to hang out so badly? I shook my head, and headed home.

"Hey Ade, please keep your little friends away from the study, I'm working on an essay." He rolled his eyes and walked away, picking up the xbox controller  and starting a match with one of his friends.

After an hour of trying to ignore the constant cursing, and yelling coming from the next room, I finally gave up on trying to do homework, and i called Phil. He picked up on the third ring,



"Dan why are  you calling me?" Phil sounded annoyed, and I felt bad. Maybe he was trying to take a nap or something, and I had interrupted him.

"No reason really, sorry were you busy?" I answered.

"I'm not busy."  A dead silence hung in the air. Talking on the phone is way too awkward for me.

"Um, do you wanna go somewhere? Like to eat or something?" I bit my lip nervously, not wanting to be rejected.

"I'd love to. When should I be ready?" I could practically hear the smile in Phil's voice, and I couldn't stop my own from forming.

"I'll be there as soon as I can." I hung up and rushed around my room, trying to find an acceptable outfit. I settled on a long sleeve Zelda shirt, and my usual black skinny jeans. I messed with my hair until it didn't look like shit anymore, then I basically ran out the door, yelling something like "Be back, going to Phil's"  The entire drive to his house I felt jittery. Not quite nervous, not quite excited. Somewhere in between.

I didn't want to get out of my car, so I was glad when he was was waiting for me on his porch his head buried in a book.

"Took you long enough, I read an entire chapter!" He said as he slid in next to me. I rolled my eyes but I couldn't help the smile that was lurking on my lips.

"Hey, it takes time to look this great." I joked.

"Well you missed a spot." He said as he reached for the back of my head, straightening out a difficult piece of hair. I blushed at the contact, and the fact that my hair was sticking up. (my guinea pig, Bart, is laying on my foot and he is so cute. sorry ill continue)

"So, where is your favorite place to eat?" I asked.

"I like pasta... but I don't really have a favorite place. We don't go out much, really." Phil was fiddling with his hands and looking down.

"Hmm Well there is this place called the Cheesecake factory, and they have the best fried macaroni and cheese, and oh my God it's great."

"I don't like cheese." My eyes widened and I turned to face him. He was smiling impishly and he just looked so cute I almost forgot what I was going to say.

"There is something wrong with your tastebuds Phil." He shrugged and laughed lightly at my reaction.

"What about.... Olive Garden? They have pasta. And bread sticks." His face lit up and he nodded eagerly.

"And they have rolly spinny chairs!"

"Wow just when I thought you couldn't get any cuter." I hadn't realized what I had said until there was an awkward silence. "I mean like... your personality.. it's cute. Adorable actually." I felt like I wasn't helping my case and I just shut up after that. The 15 minute drive to Olive Garden was agonizingly silent and awkward.

"Weekly upates she said"
"It'll be fun, she said"

(1 month later)

........ okay IM SORRY PLEASE DON'T haTE ME! i know i said weekly updates, but.... i had such bad writers block for this chapter! I PROMISE ILL GET BACK ON SCHEDULE!  im so sorry. i love you, and thank you for sticking with me babes(: 

..... unedited. always

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