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"I want to watch Psych." Phil whined after the third episode of Chopped was over.

"What, you don't like the Food Network?" I joked, turning on Netflix. He smiled slightly and scooted closer, as if it was possible. "How about I put my back to the sofa, and you can lay in between my legs? It just seems more comfortable than you sitting on my lap." I chuckled as he blushed again, and shuffled over to the side of the sofa, Phil following.

We were halfway into the first episode of Psych when the door opened to reveal a very drunk looking set of parents. "Oh Lord." I mumbled, rolling my eyes but not moving.

"Dan, Hello. Did you and Phil have fun today? Hopefully not TOO much fun." My mom slurred laughing at her own joke.

"Yea mom. we had loads of fun. Now you and Dad go up stairs and try to keep it down, please. For the sake of the children."  She ignored me and took dads hand, leading him up the stairs, stumbling a couple times.

I hadn't realized I was smiling until Phil poked my cheek and said "Cute dimples." and giggled, putting his head back down on my chest.

For the second time today I found myself playing with Phil's hair as he lay on top of me, and honestly, I never wanted the moment to end. I was perfectly content with feeling Phil's body shake slightly at something Shawn Spencer had said, and watching his eyes slowly start to droop the longer I ran my hands through his hair. The moment was perfect.


Just a cute lil fluff to make up for the naughty bit earlier (; love you guys!

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