*The Middle of the Night*

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The Monday after that, Gibbs and Jenny sent Kat to school. The school was small and not used to any new people, so she was quickly swarmed with the possibilities of new friendships of people wanting to include her in their circle. She very quickly was the popular new girl at the

She had clicked with the only girl that didn't get in her face and obsess over her, Caitlyn, nickamed Kate. Kat and Kate hit it off. They bonded over their favorite band and snacks.

Kat walked home from school, beaming with joy. She had the greatest life she could ever imagine.

She walked in the house and immediately saw a suitcase. The sight made her stomach drop. She had seen Mr. Peterson do this a few times. When he and his wife had fought, he would pack up and live in a hotel for a few days. Those few days were a living hell in her life, as Mrs. Peterson would be overwhelming with her demands. Then Mr. Peterson would come back when everything died down.

Kat's heart raced. She stood with the door open, staring at the suitcase. So many flashbacks played in her mind. Her 'father' not even saying goodbye or telling Kat that he loved her like they used to do.

Jenny came down with another suitcase. She saw Kat at the door. "Oh Kat. You're home. How was school?"

She set down the suitcase next to the other one.

"It was fine..." Kat didn't take her eyes off the luggage. "What's going on?"

Jenny sighed. "Your father and I have to leave soon. It's just for a night or two. We have to fly out to New York for a meeting. I can't tell you details. But, that's how it has to be. So you're going to stay here."


"Yes. Alone. One of the agents, whether Tony or McGee or Bishop, is going to come check on you around 6 and bring you some pizza for dinner. They will stay overnight with you. If needs be, they will come tomorrow as well. I have no idea how long this will be. But no longer than two nights."

Kat took a deep, steadying breath. "Okay.. That's cool... I guess.."

"Are you sure? I don't want to leave you here if you aren't comfortable with this..."

"I'll be fine. You two are needed, and I don't want to hold you back from your jobs. As long as someone else comes overnight, I will be fine."

Jenny kissed the top of Kat's head and smiled. "You're going to be perfectly safe, and we will be back as soon as possible. You can text if you need anything."

They got the car packed up and closed the trunk. One big family group hug, and then they were off.

Kat watched them leave until she couldn't see them anymore. Then she went back in. It felt so lifeless alone.

She locked the door and went to the couch. After putting on some music, she settled down and did her homework.

Around 6:10, there was a knock on the door. She jumped up and opened the door to Tony. He had pizza in his hands.

"Hey, Kat." Tony grinned.

She just looked at the pizza. "What kind?"

"Oh, don't mind me. I'm just delivering the pizza. Don't even bother to say hi."

Kat smiled. "Sorry... Hi Tony. What kind is it?"


"Good." She let Tony in and then locked the door again. They sat on the couch, putting on an old western movie that they had to search for and ate dinner whilst watching the movie.

They chilled for the rest of the night, playing a few card games. Tony even taught Kat a few tricks in poker. At about 10:30, Tony looked at his watch. "Yikes. You've got to go to bed. You have school tomorrow..."

Kat sighed. "I'm not tired... I could never sleep now."

Tony got up and began cleaning up. "Go get ready for bed. I'll clean up down here."

Kat reluctantly did as he said. She knew that she wouldn't be able to sleep. Not with her parents, who made her feel so safe, gone.

She went back down to the now clean living room and sat on the couch in her sweatpants and tank top. Tony walked over from the kitchen. "Alright. Time for bed. You need your sleep."

Kat just stared at him with a serious expression. "I can't. If I go to bed now, I won't be able to sleep, I swear."

Tony shook his head. "I don't believe that. Go to bed."

Kat huffed and went to her room. But, as she said, she couldn't sleep.

About an hour later, Tony came to check on her and he saw that she was still awake. "Kat? Why aren't you asleep?"

Kat sat up. "I told you. I can't sleep..."

Tony flipped the light on. "Why not?"

Kat squinted in the light. "I'm.. I just... I can't. I don't know."

Tony could tell she was worried. "They're going to be fine. Gibbs called me and let me know they landed safely and to tell you that in the morning. So there's really nothing to worry about them for. And I'm right across the hall if you need me. I've already locked all doors; we are completely safe."

Kat nodded. "I know that but..." She sighed. "Okay..."

Tony nodded, flipped the light back off. "Good night." And he left.

Kat heard the click of his door shutting down the hall a few moments later. She still couldn't fall asleep for another two hours. But apparently she did fall asleep because suddenly her alarm clock said 3:22 AM. She heard a rustling sound and sat up.

A dark figure was standing in her room. It grabbed her, covering her mouth. She tried to scream but it was muffled.

As he was taking her back out of the window, she bit his finger, making him move his hand. She screamed as loud as she could. "TONY!!! HELP!!!"

The man grabbed her again and began pulling her out the window. Tony came charging in with his gun. "KAT!"

He ran to the window and grabs her other hand. He pulled her back behind him and the man turned, with a gun in his hand and shot Tony in his shoulder. Tony fell to the ground, clutching it shoulder. Kat tried her best to hold him, but the man grabbed Kat's hand, she screamed for Tony. The man continued taking her out the window. Tony fired his gun at the man, but couldn't get a good shot.

Kat screamed for her life as he stuffed her in the trunk. Kat's heart was racing as she felt her throat threatening to close. She continued screaming even as the car sped off.

Tony was losing blood fast, despite the blanket he put on the wound, unable to apply pressure. He took out his phone and first called an ambulance because he knew he wouldn't last much longer without it. Then he called Gibbs and let him know what happened in the Middle of the Night.

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