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Screams filled the air. Kat was now covered with blood. She had gone too far. Insulting Mr. Peterson and being 'rude' was the wrong move at the time. Her face was swollen in several places and her body was covered with cuts. She hung from where she was tied, nearly lifeless. She couldn't even see out of one eye.

Mr. Peterson walked up to her. "Have you learned your lesson now?"

Kat looked at him with her eye that wasn't swollen shut. She couldn't find the energy to even move her mouth.

"Guess not." He began punching and beating her again. She grunted with every slam into her abdomen.

Mr. Peterson untied her so that she collapsed to the ground. She was shaking from head to toe and could feel herself losing consciousness. Still, he continued. He grabbed her by the throat and lifted her higher than his head.

She clawed at his arm with all the strength left in her body.

The door burst open. NCIS filled the room. Kat managed to gasp, "Help... me.."

Gibbs pointed his gun directly at the man. "Put her down. Now."

Mr. Peterson thought about refusing for a second, but then he threw Kat down on the cold, hard ground.

Gibbs walked up closer and handcuffed the guy, giving him over to Tony. Jenny ran to Kat. She touched her forehead.

She rubbed the side of Kat's face, being careful not to touch her wounds. Kat opened her good eye, looking up at her mom. Her voice came out in a croaking noise. "Is it over?"

Jenny nodded. "It's over... I promise"

Kat's shivered. She could only manage a whisper. "I'm so... c-cold..." Her eyes began to close.

Jenny took off her own jacket and put it softly on Kat. "Hey hey hey. Stay with me... Open your eyes."

Kat stretched her eye, she could only see out of the one. She stared into Jenny's eyes. "I'm so tired..." she blinked slowly.

Jenny rubbed the side of her face gently. "I know... I know... but you can't sleep now... just try. Try to stay awake."

Kat nodded slightly. Bishop had called an ambulance a few moments earlier. However, Jenny knew they couldn't wait any longer. Kat was just about to slip into a deep sleep, and she could tell. "Jethro! We need to leave. now! We can meet the ambulance halfway."

Gibbs got the team together and they huddled around Kat. The second they tried to move her body, she grunted in pain. Every movement of her body sent surges of pain throughout her body. As they moved her more, she screamed. The pain was horrible. Every wound in her body was on fire, especially with her adrenaline draining fast.

They brought her to the car, trying not to hurt her. They laid her in the back, with her head rested on Jenny's lap. Jenny whispered encouraging words to her, convincing her to fight just a little while longer.

Gibbs sped down the road, trying to get to the hospital. Kat looked up at Jenny. "I don't- I don't know how much longer I c-can fight..."

Jenny held her hand that wasn't hurt bad. "Just keep fighting. I promise, you'll be okay," Jenny paused and looked up at Gibbs. "Jethro, please hurry. She's slipping..." Gibbs stepped down on the gas, speeding faster down the road.

Kat's eyes finally closed. Jenny held her close. "Jethro!!!"

Again, Gibbs sped up. Jenny held Kat close and whispered to her. They were pretty far from the hospital, but they saw the ambulance coming down the road. Gibbs pulled over and got their attention. They pulled over, realizing it was why they were headed out in the first place.

They rushed her to the hospital as fast as they could. Jenny stayed with Kat, while Gibbs thought it best if he stayed out of the way... He sat in the waiting room as he watched them rush her off into the ICU.

About fifteen minutes later, Jenny came out and sat next to Gibbs. "They took her into surgery... Internal bleeding must be stopped or she could..." Jenny couldn't even finish the thought.

Gibbs put his arm around her and kissed her head. "She's a strong girl, Jen... She'll pull through..."

Jenny nodded. He was right and she knew it. But still, she Worried...

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