Phone Calls, Steven's Friend, and After Parties

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It's been about a month since a broke myself. My leg is fine and I think I can take off the cast but everyone keeps making me baby it, Duff and Axl especially. Chelsea had found some of my art markers, so everyone has taken it upon themselves to to write their names on my walking cast with sliver, gold, or blue pens. I just hope I'm not going to get in shit for it. Steven being completely drunk out of his mind when he decided on signing it, nearly killed whatever chance I had at a full recovery. He had knocked my leg off the coffee table so there was that (I'm pretty sure aliens could've heard me), and in return I have Steven written sideways and crocked on the bottom of my foot in gold.  When he saw it the next morning he said he was going to saw off my foot and send it to an art museum, claiming that it's better than that ugly broad you see everywhere. I think he was talking about The Mona Lisa but I'm not one hundred percent sure.

As for Guns N' Roses, they finished a full set so they can start playing shows again and hopefully get signed. They say nothing can beat the feeling in the locker room after you win a game, that's what the boys ran on for another day and a half. They were in pure glory and it was a contagious feeling, Chelsea and I we're in the same over joyed state with them. Now that I think about it, it might've been more than a day and a half, we all drank a lot the night they got the call. Let's just say none of us remember much past three o'clock that day.

Duff has found a new favourite thing to do (get your minds out of the gutters, people). He loves teaching me how to play bass. It's mainly just him moving my fingers to play the cords properly but he loves it. I don't know the first thing about playing music but I love watching Duff get this excited.

It's now well into May and everything is going perfectly.

Duff and I are sitting on the couch in my apartment, his bass lays on the couch beside him. We've just played Paradise City through, he wraps his arms around me and I burry my head in his shoulder. Duff nudges my boot with his foot gently and smiles.

"Two more weeks." He says softly.

"If everything goes right." I remind him and he sighs.

"Everything will go right." Duff assures me, he's knows I'm scared.

"But what if it isn't? What if I need the surgery? What happens if they can't fix it? What happens if they say I can't play soccer anymore?" I wonder and he half smiles.

"Nothing's going to go wrong. You're just worried." Duff says.

"So are you excited for the gig tonight?" I wonder, desperate to change the subject and he smiles brightly.

"Of course, as long as my good luck charm is there." He says into my hair.

"What are you going to do if you get big and go on tour?" I wonder and he laughs.

"When and if that happens, I'll just pack you." Duff explains. "You're small enough."

"I think you guys will make it big." I tell him and he smiles.

"Axl and Izzy said you've always believed in them."  Duff admits.

"Yeah, of course I do, I believe in all of you. Guns N' Roses will be the biggest band on the planet." I can nearly picture it.

Duff smiles but I know now he's desperate to find a new subject. He grabs my hand and starts playing with it.

"What do you think about the previews for Top Gun?" He wonders.

"It looks alright." I admit. "That's the one with Tom Cruise, right?"

"Yeah! I was thinking we could go see it and if it bombs we can always just make out in the back." Duff suggests and I nod. "It sounds kinda like high school."

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