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{Recap of Part 23}


Bria: Baby what are you doing?

Roc: Haha I'm just playing with my niece

Bria: Haha your niece?

Roc: Yes my niece! We're getting married and she's gonna be my niece.

Bria: Okay okay, chill daddy, chill. Haha but you gotta finish getting ready. *puts her hair in a messy bun and holds out her arms. Here, give me baby 'Lena .

Roc: Haha fine, but I'll be back. Don't get too comfortable with my lil homie.

Bria: Haha whatever babe just go get ready.

Roc: *pecks her lips* I love you Bria.

Bria: I love you more Chresanto August.

Roc: *walking towards the closet to get a shirt and a pair of shoes* Haha impossible.

Bria: Nothing's ever impossible babe.

I just smiled. Selena was the cutest baby ever, but the kids Bria and I would have would be just as beautiful, I know. That day will come when our kids come into this world and I know it'll be one of the most happiest moments of my life... Besides marrying Bria and making her happy of course. I walked out of my closet with my converse and shirt in my hands and sat on the opposite side of the bed where Bria was. It was silent until I said something.

Roc: Bria...

Bria: Yeah babe...

Roc: When we have children, what do wanna have?

Bria: Haha a girl, but I'd love to have a little boy too. Why?

Roc: Well I just wanted to know... I can't wait to start a family with you.

Bria: Awww haha

Roc: Well I'm ready. You ready to go?

Bria: Yeah, and so is little mama right here haha

Roc: Alright, good. Lets go.

She grabbed Selena's baby bag and we headed out. Everyone was ready when we came down and Nile said that Robyn would meet us at Pink Taco. When we finally arrived to Pink Taco, a woman with long jet black hair and cocoa butter skin came walking towards us. She kissed Niles and I assumed she must've been Robyn.

Niles: Everyone, this is Robyn. My beautiful fiancée.

Robyn: Hey guys. Thanks for inviting me.

Lexi: No problem. We better get inside though.

Robyn: Cool cool, I already made our reservations,

Bria: Awww that's so sweet! Thank you!

We headed inside of Pink Taco and we all sat in our booth. We got to catch up on Niles and Robyn. It seemed like everything was going perfectly.

??: Jacob Anthony Perez!!!! Is that you!!! Boy I been lookin errwhere for you! You know damn well you da baby daddy of dis herr chile so you betta pay up ASAP or I'm sendin yo ass to jail!

Some short Hispanic girl with long hair came up to our table yelling at Prince.

Lexi: And who the f*ck are you?

??: I'm, Tequila, the Tequila Rodriguez. Th one and only he knocked up 8 months ago so shut the f*ck up cause this between me and him.

Niles: Uh Uh, you don't talk to my sister and her fiancée like that so you better watch who Talkin to.

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