Pain In My Heart

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{Recap of Part 27:}


I had just pulled up in the driveway from being at that asshole's house. Who the fuck did Tyga think he was? Smh no fucking body. As I pulled in closer, I noticed all of the cars were gone except this unfamiliar car... As I parked, I realized it was Jacob's.  He quickly got out of the car & ran up to me.

Jacob: let me explain.

Lexi: there's nothing to explain, you have a girlfriend to love. That's all you. I'm chillin on you.

Jacob: I -(gco)

Lexi: you lied. End of story.

I quickly opened the door to roses everywhere. They led to the kitchen.

Jacob: look Lexi I am terribly sorry for lying to you, but I- (gco)

Lexi: nigga I don't care. You did what you did to play me! I hate you & I never want you to be a part of any of my life ever again. The one person I expect to be my best friend wasn't! He was nothing but a phony. Go back to your girlfriend... After all she does need you!

As I said those last words, I turned the corner to the kitchen, only to find Tequila & Prince holding hands over a candle light dinner. She was smiling & all of his attention was on her. I made a gasping noise & They both turned their heads & Tequila had a smirk on her face. Tears began to fall and I ran.


I ran as fast as I could to the secret garden & locked the doors. I needed to get out of here forever. I instantly called Chris back & packed majority of my things.

Chris: Yo lil mama- I'm-(gco)

Lexi: *sniffling hysterically* Chris I-

Chris: Say no more, I'm on my way.

Lexi: *crying harder* thank you.

I hung up the phone & just waited... I couldn't continue my life like this.

PART 28:


I couldn't stand to hear my sister cry like that. No female actually. It burned my soul to know she was that deeply hurt by someone she was supposed to be with & love forever & by a nigga who was supposed to be her best friend, but steady feeding her lies just to play her. I don't care how long it took, Lex could stay with me for however long it took. She needed to get away. I'd wanna do the same if I was ever in her position. It was time to take care of my little sister. She needed it. I was down in the kitchen fixing her my famous hot chocolate and popped us some popcorn. I knew she wasn't in the mood to really talking yet, so I got us a movie to watch; a comedy so she could laugh. I was putting in Friday as she stepped out the bathroom from taking a shower.

Chris: Is this room good enough for you? I could put you in another room if you're not too comfortable in this one.

Lexi: No it's fine. I like this room. Your artwork is breathtaking Chris. You're getting better & better each time I see something of yours.

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