Chapter 3

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Chapter 3:

"I know what we are going to do,"


"Call him,"


"You are going to go on a date,"


"Here's the plan; you're going to make Zayn Malik fall in love with you."

The heat on my head was soothing as I read my magazine the kind hair stylist has provided me. I read about the new fashion trends as I hear the door open with a ring from the bell that was on top of the door to tell when a costumer comes in. "Jane!" I hear the familiar voice of Jack storm in.

I drop my magazine as he pulls the hair dryer off my head to reveal my once blond hair now brown with my natural blond hair streaks showing. "You dyed your hair!" Jack grumbles.

"No?" I say more of a question. "Well, I would have had it completely brown, but you interrupted and now my blond is still showing, he might recognize me!" I stand up leaving since luckily I payed earlier.

"Come on," he shoves me a small plastic bag with a big target symbol in the middle.

"What's this?" I peek into the bag to find myself looking at a light and navy blue striped bikini.

"Your date is at the beach with the other boys, or did you forget that?" He snaps.

"Did you wake up on the wrong side of the bed or what?" I question his attitude. He ignores my comment as he shows me a nice car, "Where did you get this?" He looks at me as if it were obvious. Right, he stole it.

I drive slowly to the beach as soon as I got dressed in my bathing suit. It was weird to look in the side mirror because of my hair.

I arrived interrupting my thoughts as I noticed there was a big sign and a big man dressed in black in front of the gate of the beach with some sort of paper in his hand. He looked like a body or security guard in front of a bar. I stepped towards him as I look up at him. His tall figure made me reevaluate myself. My 5'6- OK fine- 5'3 body stood looking up at him as he looms over me with annoyance on his face.

"Who are you?" He spats with little patience.

"My name is Jane?" I cross my arms as I lean my weight on side of my body, tempted to roll my eyes.

He takes out a folded paper and looks at it and back down to me. He did this a few times until he shook his meaty head. "No, you aren't," I sigh. This is what I get for dying my hair.

"Yes I am. I dyed my hair earlier today," his dark colored eyebrows furrowed in confusion. "I needed a change." I lie easily. He stands there for a minute probably analyzing his options. I tap my foot, my patience expiring. "If you won't let me in just tell me so I can leave." I give up annoyed, throwing my hands in the air in frustration. Maybe after all I don't have to break Zayn's heart. Or at least, not by making him fall for me for Jack's arrangement. I start to leave when, just my luck, I hear a deep shout from the other side of the fence.

"Wait! Jane!" I turn around. How the hell did he recognize me from the back of my head? "Paul!" His voice annoyed as he glares at the tall man. "Jane!" I slowly walk up to Zayn as he runs to me.

"Sorry about that. Come on," he huffs from running. He takes my wrist as he pulls me to the beach. No one was in sight as I look around. "D-Did you-" I start amazed.

He looks at me smiling, "Did I rent out the beach for our date? Yes." I bite my tongue from awing. I smile up at him. He lets go of my hand realizing we were staring at each other. We both blush looking away. "Er- come on I want you to meet the rest of One Direction." I nod as we casually make our way to where the guys were in a circle on a dirty red blanket chatting.

One of them had an acoustic guitar playing a couple chords. I was fasinated. For some reason I always end up liking guys with guitars. I play a little too, it just seems I already had a connection with him.

"Alright guys, this is Jane," I give a small wave as they all look up at me staring. I awkwardly rub my arm as they didn't stop looking at me. "She's fit mate!" I hear one say laughing as Zayn blushes. Why is he blushing? He wasn't calling Zayn fit? Or is it a British thing?

I sit next to Zayn and the guitar man. "Hi, I'm Niall," I shake his hand smiling. My hand was tiny compared to his. But then again, it was to all of the guys, most likely.

"Cool guitar," I say blushing, though I don't understand why.

"Thanks," he smiles blushing lightly as well.

"So Jane," Zayn interrupts us. I look over to him, biting my lip, a bad habit of mine. I hope talking to Niall won't ruin anything. But he wasn't looking at me angry, he was looking at Niall.

"Zayn?" I asked concerned. I look back at Niall, but he quickly averted his eyes to his guitar.

"What?" Zayn replies a little harshly. I was taken back by his attitude.

"Aren't you going to introduce me to your friends?" I say looking up at him.

"Oh, yeah."

Zayn introduced me to everyone and I found out it was Louis who said I was fit. Over all, they all seemed like nice guys. Which made the plan harder to succeed.

"Where are you from?"

"London born, Utah raised," I smile proudly of my heritage.

"Favorite color?"

"Green," I see Niall smile a little, but we don't make eye contact.

"Favorite movie genre?"

"Disney or love story mushy kind of thing," I shrug and hide my face with my hair embarrassed.

"You like Disney!" Liam says the same time at Harry shouts, "You like chick flicks!" I nod. "Mate she's a keeper," I heard Harry whisper. Zayn chuckles at his friend.


If you found a mistake please comment.

Btw when it says you like disney and all that jazz I'm not a "carrot" directioner I just wanted a connection with all of them and that was the only thing I could think of.

Thanks for reading x

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