Chapter 9

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"Strictly professional."

I woke up with the spectacular smell of crispy bacon on the stove. Taking a deep breath of the smell I open my eyes which were leveled with my magazine filled coffee table. Did I sleep on the couch? Wait, why is there bacon on the stove?

I sit straight up which just ends me up with a head ache from the sudden movement. I groan. "Oh! Morning!" Zayn in a pink apron with small blue circles around the edges around his waist announces. Groaning again I stand up from the couch to sit at my round glass table. "Not a morning person Jane?" I nod, not bothering to answer verbally.

My hair must be a mess right now and- shit, I slept in my clothes? Grousing once again I drag myself to my bedroom to get changed. "Aw, I like your morning look, don't change," Zayn said. I raise my left eyebrow wondering how my look right now could be appealing to him. I sit back down curiously observing him as he whistles and serves me a round plate of bacon and scrambled eggs.

"Thank you," I said combing my hair with my pale fingers.

"It makes me feel that you're not so much out of my league."

"What?" I look up from my glorious food.

"The reason why I like you in that attire."

I blush a light pink, "Why would you think I'm out of your league?" I grab a bacon strip slowly chewing as I wait for Zayn's answer.

"Are you kidding? You're gorgeous!" He looked as if he'd seen a ghost once he comprehended what he had said out loud, "Sorry for my outburst." He mantles a red tinge bringing back color to his face while he picks at his eggs with his silver fork.

"I like your outbursts," I sincerely say before I could stop myself. He smiles with a silent thank you, eyes grateful for my honesty. The rest of the meal was silent with one looking at the other and quickly looking away.

* * *

After breakfast, Zayn went to his flat and I stayed behind. We wanted to hangout more that day, Zayn is going to pick me up at 12:15. Hearing a loud knock on the door I chuckle and say as I walk to the door, "Just can't stay away can you?" Laughing I open the door with my silk blue robe on since I only had undergarments and I see Daniel smirking.

"You're right," Daniel laughs at my earlier comment.

"Oh, sorry Daniel, come on in." I head back to my bedroom and he follows me. Because Daniel is my former ex and best friend, frankly my only real friend, I take off my robe knowing he's seen more. I look at him waiting for a conversation to spark as I pull my blue skinny jeans on. He watches me not saying a word. "Do you think I should go with this or this?" I showed him two shirts.

One red flannel which was very cute and the other a red lace belly shirt which was just as adorable on myself. "No shirt is good too," He says cheekily.

Rolling my eyes I reply, "I don't even know what to do with my hair!" Daniel continues to laugh as I glare.

"Why are you going out anyways? Let's just sit in and watch a couple of movies and cuddle!" Daniel has come closer with each word his voice dropping, just like my confidence.

"Daniel, I'm going out with Zayn and I want to continue to make a good impression!" My voice clear of brusque. Dan's jaw clenches as does his fists.

"He's a no good celebrity just wanting to get into your-"

"That's enough Daniel," I threaten. "Zayn is super sweet and he made breakfast this morning and-"

"Wait, he made breakfast this morning? Why would he be here so early unless he- did you sleep with him!" It was more of a statement than a question.

"What? No! He slept over sure, but not in the way you're thinking!" I yell back. I still don't have a fucking shirt on.

We were so close together we almost touched each other's thin noses. "Fuck," Daniel mumbles under his breath as he looks away.

"What?" I sigh with defeat. "Put a shirt on, you are distracting me." His voice softened and if any other scenario I would have blushed at his excuse of looking away. I huff and put on my flattering red laced belly short sleeved shirt. Usually I don't like belly shirts, feeling it is too revealing, but at the moment, that's my least worry.

As I curl my hair Daniel showed his way out. Finally feeling like I can breath without being judged I start humming different, light, happy tunes getting ready for the date.

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