Chapter 8

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Chapter 8


It's been a week since I've seen Zayn, but I have been hanging with Daniel a lot more than I figured I would. Not that I'm complaining.

"Hey Jay," I was walking down a nearby beach when I hear Daniel's kind voice. I turn around with a small smile on my pink lips.

"What's up Dan the Damned?" We made that nickname awhile back when I was positive that I would get Daniel fired.

We both smile at the vivid memory when he replied with an excited voice, "Wanna hang out? I know a nearby diner we can eat at. It's only about two blocks away." I thought of his suggestion and nod. My greatest weakness are diners. He knows that, which is most definitely why he suggested it.

We began walking together having small talk here and there. On our way to the diner I see in the corner of my eye a familiar person, Zayn. I noticed my situation, Damn it, now it looks like I'm not interested in him.

Instead, I decided to invite him along, "Hey Zayn!" I waved across the abandoned street. Zayn froze as if he was caught of something. He awkwardly waves back when he puts his head down and starts to speed walk away from us.

"One second," I say quickly to Daniel. I didn't get to hear an answer when I sprint to the other side of the road carful to avoid cars. Zayn notices and visibly sighs in defeat and slowly walks towards me.

"Hey," I say out of breath from running.

"Hey." He gives me a smile that doesn't reach his eyes.

"Something wrong?" I ask with a soft voice.

"Nothing, um-" he hesitates, "Who's your boyfriend?" I smile thinking about how he is jealous.

"Oh, that's Daniel he's not my boyfriend, we are strictly friends." I smile which he returns with more sincerity than before.

"We were just about to head over for lunch, would you like to join us?" I asked pointing over towards Daniel. Zayn hesitates, I answer for him by grabbing his hand and dragging him across the street.

"Woah! Slow down!" Zayn laughs while trying to catch up. I slow down replying with a small apology. When we reach Dan he doesn't seem too pleased with my invitation that he has already solved.

"Daniel this is Zayn. Zayn, Daniel." I let go of Zayn's soft hand. Both boys seemed to stiffen up, trying to prove to the other they are better. "Ok let's go!" I announced while getting in between the two boys. They both give a short nod while each takes one side of me. The sight must have looked peculiar since they both are remarkably much taller than me, but at that moment I couldn't care less.

Once we reached the small diner, Sammy's, we sat in a blue patched up booth near a clear window Zayn had suggested. It took awhile to figure out the seating arrangement, but in the end the boys sat together as I sat opposite alone. They were not pleased.

I looked through the large beige menu that was placed before me by a kind waiter named Patrick. Zayn and Daniel have been bickering the whole walk but they both agreed on one thing, that guy was hitting on me. I don't enjoy all of the attention they were giving me and I honestly believe they were overreacting.

"Just accept it already Jay," Daniel says frustrated.

"Yeah, Jay," Zayn emphasizes "Jay" with annoyance which caused Daniel to bicker even more. Rolling my eyes, I finally knew what I was going to have for lunch.

Patrick headed over soon after I was done reading my menu and asked what we wanted. "I will just have a small burger with everything but mustard and pickles on it thank you." I answered.

"Same," simultaneously Zayn and Daniel had said. Patrick chuckled understanding my situation I was miserably stuck in the middle of and gave me an obvious wink. I knew he was only messing with the two fighting idiots, but their reaction was way above my head. They both looked like they were going to kill him in his sleep and demanded a new waiter. Specifically, a female. I laughed softly and gave Patrick a small apology smile.

"We are never going back there again." Daniel grumbled. I was getting tired of all of this negativity, I simply rolled my eyes in response.

"I think I will just walk home by myself, thank you for lunch Daniel." I half-heartily thanked. Daniel and Zayn both shook their heads.

"I will walk you home," I'm not sure who said what because I was already making my escape route away towards my glorious hotel. I was getting exhausted of talking to people and just wanted to go sleep and watch some scripted reality TV.

"Shit!" Someone exclaimed. "I'm going to be late for my shift!" I assumed it was Daniel late with Tony who though always was kind, didn't appreciate when he is late, unless he was at his other job, surfing. I heard his quick footsteps rush off while another pair started to catch up to mine.

The day was soon dropping and the harsh wind lately did not help my bare legs. My shorts barely doing any effect of helping my chill body, I started to shiver. Zayn wrapped his black leather jacket around my shoulders and brought me closer to him. The walk was long from the diner and the day seemed to leave us quickly I could smell his cologne off his light purple shirt and the smell was curiously soothing. We walked like that for the rest of the way, the temperature seemly dropping each step we took.

"Goodnight," Zayn said though it was just passed five thirty.

"Would you like to come in?" I asked surprising both of us. He smiled and nodded continuing the walk to my room. When we reached the suite I sticked in my bronze key and opened the door wide.

"Come in," I say dropping my hotel keys on the nearest glass table. Zayn slowly walks in looking around everywhere, observing my living space. I plopped down on my black couch. Zayn soon joined me. I picked up a few movies indicating if he wanted to watch one. He nodded and I chose the movie Thor which has a little bit of everything: action, comedy, and romance. Soon I fell asleep during a fight scene. All I remember was my head falling on Zayn's lap and his soft hand combing through my long hair. Then, I was fast asleep.


Sorry I haven't updated! I don't really have an excuse but not having any inspiration and being a lazy teenager...

What do you guys think of the story so far? I am constantly editing so if you find a mistake please tell me. Thank you!

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