You're gonna be okay

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Sebastian pointed his gun to the monsters head, and shot it. It fell back with only two blows. "Shit, where'd they all come from?" Joseph grabbed an axe off the ground and swung it through another one of their heads.

"Sebastian, let's get out of here." Sebastian loaded his gun, and they took off sprinting away. He looked around and looked through the scope on his gun.

"Joseph watch out!" Too late, a bullet passed through Josephs stomach and Joseph fell over. Sebastian aimed his rifle, and shot whatever had shot Joseph. He ran over to him and slung his arm around his shoulder. "Come on. You're gonna be okay." Sebastian looked around and saw an ambulance not too far away. "Stay with me." He practically picked Joseph up and began walking faster towards the ambulance. Joseph held where the bullet went through him and groaned.

"Shit..." He closed his eyes and shook his head. "Sebastian. It's.... Getting kinda blurry."

"Not on my watch." Sebastian picked Joseph up and ran towards the ambulance. He opened the doors and pulled Joseph inside, shutting the doors behind them and letting Joseph sit on the floor. He began looking through the stuff for anything to help him. "Ah ha." He picked up a bag and read the label. He wasn't a doctor, but could easily read the words "BLOOD CLOTTER." He hooked the bag up to and IV needle, and put the needle in a vein in Joseph's shoulder. "This will help it clot."

"Thank you. Let's wrap it up though... To prevent an infection." Sebastian nodded and grabbed some bandages, lifting Josephs shirt. He wrapped the bandages around him, and put pressure on the bullet wound. "I wonder, if this thing moves."

"Well, I'd be surprised if it did. But, it's not in a bad place to start driving."

"Only one way to find out." Joseph smiled and coughed into his hand.

"Yeah, but if we hit any bumps I don't need those bandages coming loose or you hurting yourself some more." Joseph nodded and closed his eyes. "When you're better we can see if it works though. Right now, get some rest."


"Sebastian." Sebastian looked up from his shotgun and looked at Joseph, they'd been in the ambulance for about an hour. Sebastian wanted Joseph to rest.

"What Joseph?"

"Let's test the engine now... If it doesn't work I'll fix it..."

"Yeah. Let's get that needle out of your arm though first." Joseph looked at his arm and sighed, pulling the needle out.

"You know, maybe it'd be better if I'd have died."

"No. Joseph don't think about that again."

"Sebastian, I'm corrupted aren't I? If I died from one of those things, you'd probably be better off without me."

"No! Joseph, we're going to get out of here okay? You me and Kidman. We'll fight Ruvik, get out, and go on with our lives."

"And what if we can't?"

"Then I'll make sure you don't turn." Joseph and Sebastian stared at eachother for a moment before Sebastian cleared his throat and stood up. "I'm gonna try and start this thing." He got out the back and shut the doors, then got in the front. He wasn't surprised to see and arm on the front seat and flung it behind him. He climbed in and looked for the keys, under the seat of course. "You okay Joseph?"

"I'm alright! Go ahead and start driving. Unless you want me up there with you." Sebastian drummed his fingers on the steering wheel.

"No, relax back there and take it easy. If it gets too rough let me know."

"Got it..."


They drove for about a half hour, before both of them heard the sharp, loud noise in their ears. Sebastian slammed his foot on the break and held his head. Joseph, still in the back, groaned and put his hands on his head. "Fuck!" Sebastian opened his eyes and shook his head. "No damn it. Ruvik! You aren't getting to me now!" Sebastian kicked the door open and went to the back of the ambulance, and opened the back doors.

"Sebastian?" Joseph watched him crawl into the back, and grab a bunch of medical supplies, putting them in a medical kit and forcing it shut.

"Let's get out of here. Come on. It's safe outside, plus this thing is really low on gas." Sebastian climbed out and held his hand out to Joseph. "You okay?"

"I... Suppose I am. Just a bit of a headache." Joseph took Sebastians hand and carefully got out of the back. "Good thinking with the medical supplies. If we had a backpack we could carry more."

"A med kit right now will have to do. It's better than nothing." Sebastian let go of Josephs hand and began walking again, pulling a gun out from behind him and looked around. "Damn it. I don't think we're any closer to the beacon." Joseph looked up and muttered.

"It looks... Farther. Did you go a wrong way?"

"I don't think so. I went straight towards it. We were close up until..."

"The noises."

"Ruvik. He's messing with us." Sebastian kicked a rock into a car. "Fuck! That proves it pretty much. He's keeping us AWAY from the beacon. That means its the best place to go."

"You're smart Castellanos." Joseph smiled and pat his back. "Glad we're partners." Sebastian nodded. "We're probably better off on foot anyway. If we see Ruvik, we can end him."

"Can we Joseph?" Sebastian muttered. "It's his world he created... If he can't escape... If we can't escape..."

"Then all we can do is survive..." They looked at eachother and sighed, then looked straight towards the beacon and kept walking.

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