Sebastian's Nightmare

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{{Bonus chapter for this story}} 


Sebastian drummed his fingers on his lap and took another sip of his drink. Joseph was gone for a week's vacation to visit his family for Thanksgiving, leaving Sebastian alone.

They had been together about four months now, and Joseph seemed to be much better situated to coming back home than Sebastian. Kidman suggested he might have PTSD, and should seek some help but he refused. 'I still have a few drinks around the house...' Was his response, which made Kidman angry with him and leave him. Sebastian picked up his phone and checked it for any messages from Joseph, nothing.

"He could've brought me along." Sebastian finished his drink and set the bottle down. Joseph claimed his family wasn't so keen on homosexual situations, and said it'd be best to just leave him at home. Sebastian had thought about driving over a few times just to meet them, considering his family was only a few towns over, but he knew Joseph wouldn't be so happy with him.

Sebastian stood up, and knocked the bottle off the table. The loud noise made him flinch and he reached to his hip for a gun that wasn't there. "No. Relax there Seb." Sebastian slowly made his way to his room, where he laid on his bed. He left his phone in the other room, for no reason other than he knew Joseph was busy and Kidman was upset with him. If an emergency popped up, he'd be called on his work phone, which was currently strapped to his hip.

Sebastian groaned and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.


Sebastian tossed and turned all night, his mind racing back to that place he was in, Ruvik's mind. Everything there came back to him at once. Losing Joseph, being shot multiple times, shooting things that might have been real humans at one point, destroying Ruvik's brain. Everything he did coming to him in dreams, and some things he wasn't even sure he did. Of course, the dreams came in different parts, it wasn't all one big dream. One part that stuck with him was about Joseph.

Sebastian could see himself in the dream, like an out of body experience but it was only a dream. Joseph was sitting on a rock alone outside of a building. Sebastian thought this had to be before they had met up, because they were almost never separated. Joseph picked up an axe next to him and wiped some of the blood off of it. Sebastian's breath hitched when he saw Ruvik appear behind him.

"Joseph!" He tried to yell but couldn't, it was hard to scream in dreams and he didn't find it strange. In the dream, Ruvik grabbed Joseph by the back of his neck.

"Jojo." Ruvik smiled and slammed him into a building. Sebastian went to take a step forwards, but felt his feet stick to the ground. He looked down and saw those haunted people, grabbing his legs, dragging him into the ground. Sebastian reached for his gun, and found out a little too late that it wasn't there. He heard Joseph scream and looked up to see Ruvik standing in front of him, Joseph pushed up against the wall and struggling. Ruvik was moving, and Sebastian knew what he was doing to Joseph.

"Joseph." Sebastian felt a tug on his legs, and suddenly sank into the ground up to his shoulders. He gasped for air but kept his eyes on Ruvik, watching him moving against Joseph, and watching Joseph crying, gripping at the wall. "Joseph!" Sebastian sunk deeper into the ground, he couldn't help his partner or himself. Sebastian took a deep breath before he was dragged completely into the pavement, the last thing he heard was a scream of pain from Joseph.


Sebastian gasped and sat up, the blankets were on the floor and his pillow looked like he was trying to rip it to shreds in his sleep. Sebastian got up and ran to the other room, grabbing his cell phone. He dialed Joseph's speed dial number and held the phone to his ear. "Pick up... Pick up..." The phone rang a few times before he heard Joseph answer.

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