Welcome back

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Kidman sat down on the roof, breathing heavy. Just a few moments ago she had to run away from some weird girl, with too many arms. Finally Kidman was able to burn her enough she fled, but Kidman wasn't having a good time. "Damn it where are they. JOSEPH! SEBASTIAN!" She thought maybe shouting would help her find them, hoping one of them would shout something back. Or shoot a gun. She was listening carefully for anything, but couldn't hear.

"Damn it." She caught her breath and stood up, looking around. "I'm close to the beacon. We said we'd meet up there...." She looked for anything to tell the time, but gave up and sighed. "Just keep going."

"Help! Help!" Kidman perked up and looked down at the ground. Leslie, her target, was down there running. He seemed to be getting chased. Kidman grabbed her gun and aimed at whatever was chasing him. A few shots to the head, and it was down. Leslie stopped running and looked up at her. She nodded at him. 

"Stay where you are!" She shouted. "I'll be down in just a second!" She turned and ran to the steps on the side of the building, quickly and carefully going down them. "Leslie... I found him..." She had to get him to the beacon and turn him in before Ruvik could get him, at least those were her orders.

Kidman made it to the bottom and ran to where Leslie was, he was gone. "Damn it." She looked around and walked in a random direction. "Leslie! I'm not going to hurt you!" She looked around for him for a few minutes before giving up. "I'll see him again." She turned and walked back to where she came from when she heard Sebastian. She ran to where she heard his voice and saw Joseph trying to strangle him. Kidman pulled her gun out and aimed it at Joseph's head.


"Joseph!" Sebastian shouted, he grabbed Joseph's hands and pushed them away from his body. "Stop it!" Joseph didn't respond and Sebastian grunted. He threw Joseph's arms off him and Joseph stumbled backwards. Sebastian pulled a gun out and aimed it at him. "I don't want to have to do this but-" Suddenly, again, a loud high pitched noise was heard in both their heads. Sebastian dropped his gun and held his head, Joseph grunted and held his face.

Sebastian looked at Joseph and shook his head. "Jo?" Joseph looked up at him, his face normal again. Sebasitan smiled. "Welcome back..."

"Seb?" Joseph looked around. "What... What happened?"

"Nothing." Sebastian picked his gun up. "You alright?"

"I'm fine... I attacked you didn't I?"

"Yeah but you didn't get me."

"I'm sorry Sebastian. I should... Try and learn to control it."

"You will. When we get out of here too, you shouldn't have to worry about anything anymore. This won't happen in the real world." Sebastian put his hand on Josephs arm and smiled. "You'll be fine. I'll make sure of it."


Kidman lowered her gun when she saw Joseph return to normal. "Damn it... I can't... He might try and get to me like this." She looked for a safe way down to them, and not finding one, decided to jump down a few things to get to them. "Sebastian! Joseph!" They both looked at her.

"Kidman. You're okay."

"Yeah. And I saw Leslie..."

"Leslie?" Sebastian stepped forwards. "Where'd he go?"

"I don't know. He was being attacked, I killed whatever it was that attacked him. When I got down to him though he was gone." She shook her head. "He's not important right now. We're closer to the beacon than we've been so far. I say we keep going. We could run into him again, or he could be heading there too."

"Yeah. That'd make sense. It seems like the only place... Unaffected so far." Joseph ran his fingers through his hair. "All you two do is talk about the beacon..."

"Joseph. I know something's wrong with you. We don't know what. Getting to Ruvik, it's our best shot."

"It's a shot in the dark though, that's for sure." Joseph rubbed the back of his neck. "Sebastian, why do you care so much?" Sebastian shrugged and shook his head. Without another word he kept walking. Joseph followed close behind him and Kidman watched them walk.

"This place just got a little more interesting." She smiled.

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