Chapter 10

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"How did you get up to the building that fast?" Jasmine asked Hugo sitting on the plane that would take them to Reach headquarters for a briefing. 

"Magic," Hugo said and wiggled his fingers in her face. 

Jasmine groaned inwardly and sat back and stared at a group of Reach agents who were whispering together and kept shooting them weird looks. 

"What are those guys talking about?" she asked Ando who was sitting next to her and reading a book. 

"Hmm... oh them," Ando said nodding towards the Reach agents, "Those are new guys, their probably just freaked out by us," Ando said and went back to reading his book. 

"Or we did something wrong," Hugo said glancing at them. 

"Stop it, your making us nervous," Iris said irritably and looked at the agents who were starting to get up and walk towards them. 

"Follow us," one of the agents said. 

Instantly all of them jumped up and stared at the guards, "Not all of you, just her," the guard said pointing at Jasmine.

"Not happening macho man," Hugo said angrily positioning himself in front of Jasmine effectively blocking her from view. 

Two of the guards quickly pushed him out of the way and grabbed her by each arm and half dragged her towards the door. Ando suddenly surged forward his hands glowing a bright gold and he thrust them out and efficiently knocked over most of the agents except for one whose hands were surrounded by a black mist. 

"Not so fast kid," the guy said and thrust his hands out and the black mist surrounded Ando and he collapsed. 

"Lets go," he said and dragged her forcefully through the door and into an empty room. 

Slamming the door he took out two pictures from his pocket and flashed them in front of Jasmine's face. 

"You know these people?" he asked. 

"Those are my sisters," Jasmine said staring at the pictures suspiciously. 

"These two work for a man by the name of Luke Blackman, better known as the Phantom," he said. 

"The Phantom," Jasmine said staring at the agent. 

"Yes, and we need you to kill them," he said quietly. 

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