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                 (Lucy's P.o.V.)

   "Lucy... Lucy..." I dizzly heard a gentle word in my sleep. I felt so tired.
"LUCY HEARTFILLIA GET UP RIGHT NOW!" yelled Leo, my care-taker. Well, the voice was no longer so gentle.
"Huhhh? C'mon Leo, five more minutes?..." I groaned.
Leo sighed. "Honestly, for some one who's about to take a test about her woman-hood, you seem pretty relaxed."
"Hmmm? What was he talking about?... SHOOT! I FORGOT!" I thought as I bolted upright.
"Oh no, don't tell me you forgot about that already Lucy." exasperated Leo, looking worn out already.
"Ahhhh, don't judge me on my poor memory." I whined as I quickly stood up and looked at myself in my mirror. No pimples or zits had grown on me last night and my hair still looked okay.
"Well, with the trial remembered, its time to do some late-minute study. You also better be prepared for the make-over Virgo and Aries are giving you." he chided, reminding me again of all my day's problems.

    I sighed heavily, slowly standing up and sliding my screen door.
"I'll go make breakfast." I mumbled, groggily heading out the door. As I walked out, I heard Leon mutter "Dear ancestors, please help poor, incomptent Lucy..."
"I heard that!" I yelled.

   Walking to the kitchen and grabbing myself some hard-boiled rice and chopsticks, I headed outside, to my favorite place to laze around at. But first, I needed to take care of chores.

   "Plue, Plue!" I called. There, my little dog headed over to me, curious.
"Hey Plue, do you want a treat?" I asked. Plue nodded his head eagerly.
"Okay then! But you have to be still for a moment."
Plue nodded again and stood quietly. Quickly, I tied, a bag of chicked feed with a small hole in it, onto Plue's back. Then, I tied a stick with a string with a treat at the end onto his collar. The treat now dangled temptingly in front of Plue's face.
"Hey boy, you want it?" I coaxed.
Plue barked his strange bark "Plue! Plue!"
"Alright then boy, GO!" I shouted.
Plue then ran at the speed of light for a treat he would never get. I knew it was mean, but it got my chores done. I watched, satisfied, as the chickens scrambled for the food.
"Okey-dokey, time to 'study'" I said as I walked over to my favorite place with my bowl of rice. My favorite place was under a tree, behind a small wall so I could have some privacy. As I walked over and sat down, I set down breakfast and grabbed the textbook, brush, and ink already waiting for me. Quickly, I looked around, trying to spot anybody sneaking by, possibly spotting me. When I thought the coast was clear, I pulled back my sleeve and opened my textbook. There, I copied down all I would need to know for the test.
"I'm pure genius!" I praised. "Now I'll pass for sure."
"Lucy!" called a deep, familiar  voice from the shrine. Uh-Oh, Dad.

   I looked at my arm where I had barely written on. The wet ink still wasn't dry enough not to smear, so I tried to compromise by putting hands behind my back as I ran towards the shrine.
"Yes Dad?" I asked innocently as peeked in.
"Lucy," said my Father. "What is... this?"
"Crap." I thought in my mind. "Hehe, nothing really. Just a new method of getting the chickens fed." What Father was talking about was the many small piles of chicken feed everywhere, and Plue clinging to dad's balding head. 

Father sighed. "My daughter is about to take the test to prove her womanhood, and she's feeding the chicken by a dog." He bowed on his knee towards the ancestors's memorials. "Please, I ask you this one impossible task: Let my daughter become a woman."

"Dad!" I whined. I didn't care anymore about how ladylike I was, to be honest, I just wanted to prove to Father that I could take on any challenge, including this one.

Suddenly, outside we heard a rumbling of many horses and people. Then a call was shouted into the air, "All male members of the family, 

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09, 2016 ⏰

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