Full of Regret (DeanxReader)

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Can you write an imagine where the reader is Castiel's daughter but she isn't an angel and one night Cas and her have to go save Sam and Bobby but when they get there they have to fight a demon and Demon!Dean and as they fight demon!Dean stabs her on the stomach and right as he stabs her he becomes normal and Cas can't heal her?


"I'm not going to let my friends die, so are you with me, or am I flying solo for this?" I pulled my jacket on over one of my AC/DC tee shirts that I borrowed from Dean.

"I don't want you going. I don't like you hunting." My father Castiel stated.

"Well tough shit because I am a born and raised hunter and I'm going to save my friends." I stated

"You weren't raised a hunter. You just grew up around it." My dad rolled his eyes

"We can fight about how mom was a hunter who fell in love with you, later. I need you to use your angel mojo to take me to Sam and Bobby." I grabbed a hold of his arm.

"Hold on." He sighed. In less than a minute I felt my feet hit the ground and I looked around.

"Sam!" I shouted

"We're over here!" I heard him yell and I took off running in the direction of his voice.

"Demons." Dad followed behind me.

"Dean." I muttered and ran faster.

"Hello sweetheart." Dean appeared in front of me and I ran into his chest and fell back.

"Dean." I smiled before I looked up into his eyes. "Not Dean." I scrambled to my feet as my dad pulled out his angel blade. "Go help Sam and Bobby." I muttered. Dean smirked and my dad just stared at him. "Go!" I demanded and he disappeared.

"Look at you; you stole that shirt from me after the second date." He chuckled as he began to walk circles around me. "It looks great on you. It really does. I just think it'd look a whole lot better lying on my bedroom floor." He smiled

"This isn't you Dean." I pulled out my knife.

"This is the new me you pitiful human." He gritted his teeth

"Pitiful human huh. That's not what you called me two nights ago." I turned around following his gaze

"That was two nights ago. A lot has changed." He stated

"I know this isn't you Dean. You need to let the human part of you break through." I gripped the knife in my hand. "I don't want to hurt you."

"You would never hurt me." He smirked

"I will if you make me." I stated

"(Y/n)." I heard Sam's voice and looked over and saw him running around the corner. "Dean stop it." Sam demanded as Bobby and my father ran up behind him.

"I haven't done anything yet." Dean rolled his eyes.

"Yet?" My dad tilted his head confused and Dean smirked before he lunged towards me, he ripped the blade from my hand and stabbed it into my abdomen then ripped it out. "(Y/n)." Dean's black eyes faded back to his green. I gasped as I fell forward into his arms. The knife fell from his hand and his hands found their way to my back to help me stand.

"(Y/n)." My father rushed to my side "You stabbed her!" He shouted in Deans face.

"I-I didn't mean to." Dean looked down at me as he slowly bent down and laid me on the ground. "You can heal her." Dean stated

"No." My father sighed as he knelt down beside me.

"You can, so do it. Heal her!" Dean almost shouted as he pressed his hand on my wound

"I can't help her!" My father cried out.

"Why not?" Sam asked from beside Bobby.

"She's my own flesh and blood. I can't do anything." He sighed

"She's going to die." Bobby muttered.

"I don't feel anything." I sighed

"You're going to be okay." Dean bit his cheek. "We're going to get you to a hospital." He urged

"She won't make it." Bobby stated as he placed a hand on Dean's shoulder

"You don't know that!" Dean snapped

"Look at me Dean." I took a deep breath and turned my head to look at him. "You're kneeling in blood. I won't make it."

"I'm not going to let you die. I promised you I would keep you safe." He sighed

"And you kept that promise for years." I coughed "I love you Dean." I smiled sadly.

"I love you too." He muttered as he bent over and kissed me.

"I love you guys too." I looked around at the people with me.

"You'll be in heaven." My father smiled slightly

"I'll see you again soon?" I asked hopeful

"Can I save her?" Dean asked

"Don't." I stated with a small smile as I reached up and laid my hand over Deans which were still pushed on my abdomen. "Naomi is calling me." I said as the angels voice called me to go home.

"She'll take care of you." My dad grabbed a hold of my free hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"(Y/n)." My eyes slowly closed. "(Y/n), wake up." I felt a hand brush against my cheek and I opened my eyes.

"Dean?" I smiled tiredly

"Hey sweetheart." He smiled

"Where am I?" I asked

"Heaven." He took a step to the side.

"Welcome home." Naomi stood behind him.

"What're you doing in m heaven?" I asked

"I'm going to get you back home. But first. Your grace." She pulled a cylinder that was filled with blue light out of her jacket.

"My grace?" I asked before she opened up the container.

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