Unimaginably Extraordinary (DeanxReader)

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"You again." I heard a familiar voice.

"Fuck me." I groaned

"Not my type." Dean stated as I turned around

"If I shot you right now, would you die, or are you just the making of the trickster?" I asked as I held my gun up.

"You try and you won't live long enough to find out." He hissed


I groaned loudly as Dean Winchester sat in front of me. "Let me go Dean."

"Now why the hell would I do that?" He asked as he stood up and pushed his chair to the side.

"The trickster won't be caught itself; will it?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Are you saying I can't catch a simple trickster?" he raised a brow as he kneeled in front of me. I nodded. "Well you're wrong." He huffed

"Wow, just kiss already." A new voice chimed and Dean stood up.

"Trickster." I tried to pull my hands through the ropes around me wrists.

"Yes, it's me. I'm the trickster." He smiled before the room changed and instead of being tied to a chair, I was sitting in a chair behind a kitchen island and Dean stood on the opposite side.

"What the hell is this?" I looked around the room. There were dishes in the sink, a bowl of fruit in the middle of the island and then pictures scattered over the fridge. Dean walked over and pulled one from its magnet and laughed.

"You've got to be kidding me." He tossed the picture onto the island in front of me. The picture was of me in a beautiful wedding dress with Dean by my side in a tux and we were both laughing; we were happy.

"Married." I looked down at my left hand and gasped at the silver ring. I regained my I don't care about Dean attitude and smirked "Look! It's not plastic."

"I do have some taste." He scoffed and opened the fridge. "Not even a beer!" He slammed the door shut.

"There has to be a stash somewhere, can't live without beer." I rolled my eyes as he started opening cupboards.

"You shut up. You are the reason we're in this mess." He turned around and slammed his palms down on the island.

"My fault! I'm sorry you tied me to a chair!" I stood up

"You got in my way! You always end up getting in my way!" He shouted "Look at this!" He motioned around the kitchen "We're married!"

"I really fucked up big time huh, I purposely made the trickster, who I've never met or talked to, send us to a place where we're married. Cause I would definitely do that." I glared at him and clenched my fist

"Why would he send us here, huh? Why would I want to marry you? Who would?" He asked. I opened my mouth to fight back but shut it while I thought of a comeback. I pushed away from the island and screamed

"Screw you!" I yelled then ran out of the kitchen and then ran up a set of stairs I found and went into the far room and slammed the door. Lucky for me it seemed to be the master bedroom.

"(Y/n). C'mon, don't act like that!" Dean called from the kitchen. I locked the door and walked to the bed. I looked around, it seemed like a typical movie set bedroom. A large bed, two night stands, a big screen tv, a bathroom right off the bedroom and then a walk in closet. God so cliché. And to make the situation oh so much worse there were a couple pictures on the nightstands just screaming at me.

"We're not in Kansas anymore." I sighed as I sat down on the bed.

"(y/n)." Dean sighed from outside the door and fell onto my back.

"I want a divorce." I called out to him.

"Can't we talk about this?" He tried to unlock the door. "(Y/n). Open the door. I didn't mean what I said back there." He urged.

"Once I figure out what my life is, I'm moving out." I stated

"Dammit (Y/n) just stop. We were sent here together, and my god we are leaving together. So we stick together." He stated as he knocked on the door. I rolled onto my side then stood up off the bed. I drug my feet to the door and clicked it open. "Thank you." He pushed the door open.

"Let's figure out how to get out of this hell." I stated and turned my back towards him and walked to the closet, I walked in and looked through the clothes.

"This is a life where we probably don't hunt. This isn't hell, I've been to hell. This isn't hell." He repeated himself.

"Well you seem to think that being married to me is some sort of hell." I muttered as I found my wedding dress. "I never actually got to wear this." I sighed as I looked through the clear bag at the white dress.

"Why don't you put'er on?" He asked

"It's a wedding dress. What would I wear it for?" I looked over at him.

"For shits and giggles." He chuckled as he walked into the small room and found a tux. "Let's enjoy suburbia, let's be normal for a couple hours (Y/n)." He pulled the tux off the hook and I did the same with the dress.

"You get the bathroom to change. I get the bedroom." I stated as I pushed him out of the closet and to the bathroom, I laid the dress on the bed as we passed it. "I'll knock when I'm done." I stated as he rolled his eyes at me.


I laughed as the rain beat down on the roof of the porch. "I'm gunna be honest with you (Y/n), I don't think I want to go home." Dean rubbed his thumb over the back of my hand. "I mean, all that's back home is my brother Sam, with me here, he can finally have the life he's wanted for, well ever." He sighed

"All I have back there is a car with an almost empty tank back where we bumped into each other." I admitted

"Now look at us." He smiled at me. "We're married and living a normal life."

"This isn't normal, this can't be classified as normal.' I shook my head "We need a more extravagant word, because this is better than normal." I bit my lip and smiled

"Unimaginable?" He asked and I nodded in approval. "Well then (Y/n), thank you for making this life unimaginably extraordinary." He lifted my hands to his lips and gave it a little peck.

"Hey there love birds." I looked passed Dean and my jaw dropped slightly. Dean looked over and his grip tightened around my hand as he stood up in front of me.

"What do you want?" Dean growled

"It's time to go home." The trickster stated as I stood up behind Dean

"We are home." I stated.

"Not yet you aren't." The trickster smirked.

"Dean!" A different voice appeared as Dean and I stood in the warehouse where it all started

"Sammy!" Dean yelled as he jogged away from me.

"I guess everything's back to normal." I began to walk away to the main door of the warehouse.

"(Y/n) wait." I heard two pairs of running feet.

"I'm heading home Dean." I stated with a sigh.

"Just gimme a second." Dean came to a stop behind me as I turned around to find him standing behind me with a tall man beside him. "(Y/n), this is Sam. Sammy this is my girlfriend (Y/n)." Dean smiled

"Girlfriend? What the hell happened when I left to grab the duffle bag?" Sam asked

"Wait. How long were you gone for?" I asked

"Ten minutes top." Sam stated

"What the hell." Both Dean and I muttered

"I'll explain everything later." Dean stated looking at his brother

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