Save The Girl (DeanxReader)

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Can you write an imagine based on this? and make it DeanxReader

Jared/Sam and Jensen/Dean are made out to seem like assholes... Oops


Castiel pushed me through the door and when it opened I was standing in a motel, Sam and Dean staring up at me. "(Y/n). What took you so long to get here Garth said you were just one town over." Dean said as he cleaned the barrel of his gun.

"Traffic..?" I said sounding more of a question, I've been here all along, just went to grab a water bottle for the motel vending machine.

"CUT!" I heard and my hand went to my gun that was on my hip. "Wrong line." Someone said as i was handed a small book of paper. I looked around and noticed that half the motel room was missing and replaced with camera's and people sitting in chairs. "Let's take a break." A man with white hair said. Sam and Dean dropped what was in their hands and walked out of the motel from the camera area. I quickly followed.

"Sam, Dean. What the hell is going on here?" I asked as i caught up to them.

"Bobby said cut. No need to stay in character." Dean rolled his eyes annoyed before he sat into a chair that had 'Jensen' written on it and Sam sat in a chair with 'Jared' on it.

"I'm being serious guys. What happened here?" I asked as i ran my hand through my hair and started pacing.

"You messed up your lines, that's what happened. Are you drunk or something? Did you go out celebrating your part on the show?" Sam said

"What no, I'm not drunk, nor did i go celebrating last night." I said

"We need to act like professionals here, and if you can't handle it, we will find someone else to play your part." Dean stated.

"I can be professional." I said offended "I'm just overwhelmed" i said as I looked around, I saw Castiel standing near a table of food so I sped walked over to him. "Cas what hell is going on?" I asked

"Just grabbing some lunch..." He looked at me.

"That doesn't help me!" I groaned and turned around, accidently bumping into someone. "Kevin" my eyes widened.

"I see you like to stay in character." Kevin chuckled and held out his hand. "We haven't been introduced, my name's Osric" he smiled. I took his hand.

"(Y/n)" I smiled and shook his hand.

"Just like on the show" he chuckled

"Yeah. Funny coincidence eh." I laughed

"Well, I better go to hair and makeup" he pointed in the direction of a hallway.

"I better get back to reading my script." I held up the pieces of paper. He smiled then walked away. I looked down at the script and began reading and memorizing my lines and actions. Thank god I was in drama before I became a hunter. Once I was finished the first few scenes I gasped. I kiss Dean? I couldn't, he's my best friend. I gaged slightly.

"Everyone on set!" I heard someone call. I jogged towards the 'motel room'.

"Hope you learned your lines" Jared walked by.

"I did." I mumbled as Jensen walked by. All I could think about was how I was going to have to kiss him, I mean, he's a very attractive man and don't get me wrong I have thought about having a relationship with Dean. This is just going to make everything weird and awkward for me when I get back, if I get back.


I sat in the front seat of the impala, this is the scene where Dean kisses me. The scene where I almost die. "You be careful in there" Dean said

"When am I not careful?" I paused "Don't answer that." I chuckled. He chuckled slightly

"I mean it. I can't stay and help, Sammy needs me back at the motel to help question the demon." He sighed

"I'll be fine. I'll be calling you to come pick me up soon" I smiled.

"You better." He stated before he cupped my cheek and pressed his lips to mine. The director called cut and he pulled away.

"Time for lunch." The director stated. I sighed and got out of the impala. Jensen got out and walked away towards a table full of food and I walked in the opposite direction to the motel set and sat on the bed.

"Can't believe you kissed that douchebag" I heard Dean's voice and looked towards the kitchen area where he was sitting at the table.
"That douchebag is your actor" I smiled ""How'd you get here?" I asked

"Same way you did. Cas pushed me through the door just in time to see you kiss him." He sighed.

"Oh... So are the two of you sorta like the same person, just different universes?" I asked as I walked over to him.

"Yes we are. I am that painted whore" He chuckled "I'm a great kisser aren't I" he winked as he stood up.

"Eh" I shrugged. He placed his hand over his heart and gasped

"Ouch. That wasn't even my best move so cut me some slack" He looked at me hurt.

"What's your best move then?" I smirked.

"Saving the girl" he took my hand and opened the motel door which had a bright blue glowing light on the other side. We walked into the light and on the other side Sam and Cas were standing staring at the blue light.

"You found her" Cas let out a sigh of relief.

"Did you lose me or something?" I asked, he nodded slightly. I turned to Dean. "Thank you for saving me" I smiled

"No problem" he smiled back

"What was it like?" Sam asked

"She was having some fun kissing my look alike in the front seat of the impala." Dean nudged my shoulder.

"Are you saying you did Dean in the impala" Sam smirked

"No. it was a scene, I was acting. It was a little kiss." I said

"You're blushing" Dean pointed out

"Screw you all." I dropped my head so my hair covered my face.

"We'll meet you in the room" Sam stated and he and Cas walked away.

"Aren't yeah gunna follow them?" I looked up at Dean.

"Not yet, I mean, you haven't even seen my best move yet" He smiled as he put his hand under my chin and then gently pressed his lips to mine.

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