Anger (Sister Winchester)

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Can you please do a one shot were you are there little sister. And one night all three of you find out you have telekinesis and Dean goes all crazy pants?

I stormed into the hotel room, throwing my bag to the floor. "Do you have any idea what you just did!" Dean yelled at me.
"Yes i do and i would appreciate it if you just shut up! I've physically felt like complete shit all day and now you have the audacity to yell at me and make me feel like worse!" I screamed back at him.
"(Y/n) just calm down." Sam slowly walked into the room after Dean.
"Do not tell me to calm down!" I yelled and pointed at Sam and he slammed back against the door behind him. My eyes widened and i dropped my hand which made Sam fall from the door.
"Sam" Dean turned towards Sam and went to his side.
"What just happened" Sam watched me as Dean helped him off the ground. "Are you possessed" Sam pointed at me. I shook my head.
"N-no i'm not" i stuttered as i backed away from my brothers.
"Holy water." Dean stated as he and Sam walked towards me, flask in hand. I nodded agreeing that was the way to find out. Dean took the cap off the flask and i closed my eyes, afraid of what might happen once the water hit me. I felt the water hit my face. I expected it to burn, to hurt. But nothing. "Nothing." I heard Dean say as i wiped my face.
"Try to move something else" Sam stated
"I can't move stuff Sam" i shook my head
"Move this" Dean twisted the cap back onto the flask.
"Dean." I sighed
"You fucked up today (y/n)" he stated and smirked. I glared at him and lifted my hand to the height of the flask and i moved my fingers as if i was unscrewing the cap of the flask, as i did this the cap twisted off. Once the cap was off and in Dean's palm i moved my hand and flicked the air which made the flask fly back and spill over Dean.
"Oops" i smiled sweetly as i put my hand down.
"Whats going on with you?" Sam asked
"I think it's like what happened to you." Dean turned to Sam as he took off his damp jacket.
"Demon blood?" Sam's eyes widened as he looked at me.
"I don't have a demon boyfriend that supplies demon blood to me." I rolled my eyes,
"It was just a suggestion." Sam hissed. I rolled my eyes at him.
"How did you do it then (y/n)" Dean stared me down
"How the hell should i know" i ran my hand through my hair.
"Move something else" Dean instructed.
"Like what" i put my hands on my hips.
"The chair" he suggested as he pointed to the wooden kitchen chair.
"Okay. But that will be it." I stated and looked at the chair. I raised up my hands and moved the chair a few inches before i fell to my knees and held my throbbing head.
"(Y/n)" Dean was kneeling on the ground in front of me in a matter of seconds while Sam ran to the shitty motel fridge. "Is there any ice" Dean looked back at Sam as i closed my eyes.
"No, only cold beer" i heard Sam.
"Bring one here." Dean stated. I mentally rolled my eyes at them both.
"I just... I just need sleep" i opened my eyes and held the edge of the couch and tried to lift myself off the ground.
"This isn't just a bruised shoulder from a hunt (y/n)." Sam stated
"I worked whatever is going on to hard. The telekinesis or whatever" i sighed as Dean lifted me onto the couch.
"Well, no more making you mad. And no more moving chairs." Dean instructed.
"I am okay with that." I gave him a thumbs up as i laid down and closed my eyes.
"Try and get some sleep" i felt Dean kiss my forehead
"Mhmm" i smiled slightly
"Night baby sis" I heard Sam.

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