Come Back (DeanxReader)

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Imagine Dean arguing with you saying he's fed up of you being so miserable

My steps were heavy as I walked down the stairs of the bunker. But sadly, my thoughts were heavier. Just got back from a hunt that I went on with the Winchesters. I tore off my jacket and hung it over the railing. "I'm going to my room." I muttered as Sam walked to the library and Dean jogged into the room from parking the impala in the garage.

"How come?" Sam asked

"I'm tired." I shrugged

"Come have a beer with us, you just killed your first djinn!" Dean smiled

"I rather not drink tonight, I just want to sleep. And forget." I mumbled the last part.

"Forget? Why the hell would you want to do that?" Dean asked

"We didn't get there in time. Does that not bother you? The lady died because of us." I said louder than I meant to.

"We tried our best (y/n)." Sam sighed

"I understand that we did, and I am fine knowing that we tried out hardest, but did not succeed. The thing I'm not fine with is that the last thing she heard was me promising that we were going to save her." I narrowed my eyes at Dean. He stood up straight and clenched his jaw

"You are like this after every damn hunt we do, and I for one am getting sick of you acting sad and broken." He spat. I mimicked his posture.

"I started hunting to save people! Not to watch people die then sit around and drink like nothing happened!" I shouted

"Sulking won't bring them back (y/n)!" Dean snapped

"But I'm sure more than a minute of silence for them won't hurt." I stated

"The car ride back here was filled with silence for three hours." He said "Nobody cares that you're broken (yn) so you might as well stop acting like it."

"I will not be joining you and Sam for a drink. Good night." I simply stated then stepped around him.

"Would you want the people who love you to sulk for days on end when you die?" Dean asked as I started to walk away. I stopped walking and held my head up high.

"Well I have no-one to love me, so there's no need for anyone to sulk." I stated then continued on my way to my room.

"Dammit Dean." I heard Sam sigh.


I heard the Winchesters mumbled conversation as I neared the kitchen. I plastered on my award winning fake smile and walked into the kitchen, as soon as I did their conversation stopped "Mornin' boys." I smiled as I almost skipped past them as I went to grab myself a cup of Joe.

"Someone's in a good mood this morning." Sam said as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Why wouldn't I be?" I asked with a small chuckle as I walked over to the table where they were sitting.

"Just with what happened last night." Dean said slowly

"I'm over that. I came to the realization that I shouldn't feel bad for those who die, I should envy them. They're probably in heaven, and well, we all know I'll be rotting in hell." I paused as I let out a laugh "But hey, I still have hopefully a good 6 months till I get killed on some hunt." I smiled as I brought my coffee cup up to my lips

"You're losing your mind." Sam looked at me worried

"It's long gone my friend, I lost it the day I watched my family get killed by a pack of werewolves." I shrugged.

"What happened last night when you went to your room?" Dean asked again.

"I told you." I stated

"I'm just going to go grab a shower while I still can." Sam pushed his chair back and stood up.

"Aren't you angry about what I said?" Dean asked quietly once Sam was out of the room.

"Why would I be angry?" I asked as I pushed my chair back and stood up.

"Well I told you to stop being sad and all that." He said "Where the hell are you going?" He asked

"I'm just looking for my flask so I can spice up my coffee." I opened up the cupboard

"Whiskey already. It's only 9." He stated

"A wise man once told me." I paused as I found my flask "It's five o'clock somewhere." I smiled and walked back to Dean.


One week. It's been one hell of a week full of fake smiles and so. Much. Alcohol. I am sick of drowning away my feelings, but that's the only way I can get rid of the pain. "We need to talk." Dean barged into my room as I held a beer bottle up to my lips. I quickly chugged the rest of the bottle then laid it down on my bed.

"Oh yeah Dean. I hear you knocking. C'mon in old friend." I smiled enthusiastically.

"Cut the crap (Y/n)." He stated as he reached down and grabbed a hold of my wrists and pulled me up off of my bed.

"What do you mean?" I tugged my wrists back.

"This isn't you, I know you. I know that you completely hate me for telling you to stop acting broken and that nobody cared. But please I'm begging you. Stop acting like everything's all fine and dandy." He reached up and held my face in his hands. "I was wrong, you need time to mourn over the death of people we couldn't save, and you shouldn't drink away the pain. I need the old you back. I miss your real smile, and the way your eyes shine when you laugh. I can't spend another day with this-this drunk cabbage patch doll that doesn't care about anything. Just please come back to me." He looked me in the eyes before he dropped his hands. "Punch me." He stated

"I'm not going to punch you." I giggled

"Slap me, kick me. Anything, just get me back. This past week has been a living hell without you." He urged

"I'm not going to hurt you." I laughed

"See. Right there." He smiled "This is the (y/n) I know and love." He chuckled.

"Love, huh?" I raised a brow.

"Oh c'mon. You know I love you." He rolled his eyes as he pulled me into a hug and kissed my forehead.

"Ewww cuties!" I struggled in his arms.

"You think that's gross." He smirked before he ran his tongue over his lips multiple times making sure they were almost dripping with drool before he pressed his lips to mine. I stood there completely disgusted before he pulled away. I pulled my shirt up over my hand and reached up and wiped his mouth. Once I was about 80% sure his lips were dry I dropped my shirt and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Just one question for you." I narrowed my eyes at him

"What?" He asked

"Why'd it take you a week to realize you loved me?"

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