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Can u do an imagine where your Charlie's (this is before she left with Dorothy) best friend and Sam and dean think you're her girlfriend but then they find out you're straight. Then dean flirts you up and you both end up going out?

"Nice bum where yeah from" i heard Charlie from behind me as i felt her hand go into my back pocket.
"Im from Kentucky wanna fucky?" I chuckled. Sam and Dean looked up from what they were doing and stared at us.
"Whats going on here?" Sam questioned smiling.
"Nothing much" i shrugged
"Yet" Charlie added seriously.
"Did i miss something?" Dean asked puzzled.
"Nope" Charlie shook her head and removed her hand from my back pocket.
"I am going to grab a beer though, does anyone want one?" I asked. Sam and Dean both lifted their hands. "I shall be back" i chuckled as i left my spot.
"I'm going to follow you" Charlie came and hooked her arm on mine.
"Well okay" i laughed as we started to skip to the kitchen.
"The guys looked so spooked" Charlie laughed as she leaned on my back resting her chin on my shoulder.
"Ah the poor fuckers" i chuckled as i walked to the fridge, Charlie dragging her feet behind me. "Want one?" I held a beer up for her and she stood up straight and grabbed the beer.
"Thank you" she smiled then left the kitchen. I rolled my eyes to myself then grabbed three beers. I shut the fridge then made my way back to the main room. I passed the two of beers to the Winchesters then kept one to myself.
"So Dean and i had a discussion." Sam stated.
"A discussion about what? I was gone for like two minutes" i chuckled.
"We support you and Charlie" Sam smiled. I chuckled slightly and Charlie just full on laughed.
"Oh hun, no need to lose your shit, they support our friendship" i patted her back.
"Aren't you together?" Dean asked confused.
"We're just friends, guys" i chuckled
"Best friends" Charlie corrected me. I nodded agreeing.
"I'm straight" i smiled.
"Okay, can we forget this whole thing?" Dean asked.
"I don't see why not" i opened my beer. I threw the cap into the garbage from where i stood. "Nothing but can" i smirked. Dean clapped slowly.
"Anyone could've got that shot" he rolled his eyes playfully.
"Shoot it" i stated. He picked his cap up off the table and threw it towards the garbage. "Nothing but air" i smirked as i went and picked the cap off the ground and threw it into the garbage for him.
"You just got lucky" he teased.
"Bet i could do it again" i challenged.
"Its on. Lets find stuff to throw." Dean stood up out of his chair.
"Hey Charlie want to come check out my laptop?" Sam asked
"Yeah sure." Charlie smiled and winked at me before her and Sam left the room.
"Pens?" Dean held up a bunch of pens.
"How the hell did you gather those up so fast?" I asked confused
"Im Batman" he winked. I gave him a smug smirk. "Fine, stole 'em from Charlie's bag" he motioned to Charlie's unzipped bag on the chair beside him.
"I would've believed Batman" i chuckled and walked to his side.
"So each time we get one in we take a step back" he stated. I nodded in understand meant and he handed me half of the pens. We both had ten pens. "Ladies first" he motioned for me to throw.

"So thats eight out of ten for me, two out of ten for you" i smirked from almost pressed against a book shelf.
"Screw you" Dean turned around and looked at me.
"What was that? I couldn't hear you from way over there" i smirked.
"Well then, why don't you strut your pretty little ass over here" he leaned back on the table just behind him. I looked at him surprised from his comment then walked over to him.
"You're such a smooth talker" i rolled my eyes playfully.
"Well of course i am" he placed his hands on my hips once i got over to him.
"Whats on you mind Winchester?" I raised my eyebrow at him.
"Mostly you" he smirked.
"Hmmm, I better help you out with that" i said playfully as I leaned in and kissed him. When we pulled apart i heard clapping coming from the stairs.
"Finally" Sam and Charlie walked in.
"Finally?" Dean and i questioned.
"We talked last night" Charlie motioned between her and Sam.
"And came up with a way to make you two happen" Sam smiled.
"How did you guys make this happen" i crossed my arms and turned to them.
"You're both competitive, so we both thought 'why not make them compete and see where that leads'." Charlie said in a matter-of-fact voice. I rolled my eyes at them both.
"So now, you guys are dating" Sam highfived Charlie. I looked at Dean.
"Are we?" I questioned.
"Hmmm" Dean pursed his lips and stood up straight. He kissed me once again.
"Yup. I think we are" i giggled.

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