Baby don't cut

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"Nobody seems to get you, you feel you're on your own,
But listen, pretty lady, you don't have to be alone.
So, baby, don't cut, baby, don't cut.
You can do anything, just promise baby you won't cut.
I know your heart is hurting, you think the road has end,
You may just feel that blade you're holding is your only friend."

Alison pov

"I'm worthless"

That's the last thing I heard before I ran home I didn't even pay attention to the laughing that trailed behind me I just heard

"I'm worthless"

"I'm worthless"

My dad wasn't home I didn't even bother closing the door cause why not.

I ran upstairs, I picked up a razor, I didn't care if anyone saw the cuts anymore I rolled up my sleeve, let my tears fall and

1 cut for how worthless I am

2 cuts for how ugly I am

3 cuts for being me

I Watched the blood fall to the floor felling dizzier and dizzier. I wanted to just die right there

"Ali" I didn't even need to look up to know it was Em, I wanted to say something but I dropped the razor.

Emily's pov

I tried following Ali but people were in the way, I managed to get out, once I reached Ali's house the door was wide open.

"Ali?" I called out no answer

I ran up the stairs and heard crying

"Ali" she was holding a razor, she didn't even look at me but I could tell she was broken

She dropped the razor I ran up to her and she fell in my arms.

"Ali please" I didn't even care that I was basically sitting in her blood

"Emily?" I looked up it was Spencer

"Who is she?" She looked at the blood and her eyes went wide

"She's my girlfriend" I whispered

"Your girlfriend I didn't know about" I looked at her with tears streaming down my face

"What do I do" she looked around and grabbed a towel and wrapped it around her arm

"Bring her to her room" she looked around the bathroom and sighed "I'll clean this up"

I nodded then picked Ali up and put her on her bed. I put her head on my lap and stroked her hair repeatedly whispering

Hush little baby,
Don't you cry,
Don't cut your wrists,
Don't say goodbye,
Put down that razor,
Put down the light,
It might be hard,
But you'll win this fight

Hush little baby,
Don't you cry,
Don't cut your wrists,
Don't say goodbye,
Put down that razor,
Put down the light,
It might be hard,
But you'll win this fight

After a half hour I fell asleep I woke up to Ali moving

She opened her eyes

"Hello beautiful" I said while stroking her hair

"Hey" she faintly whispered

Spencer came in

"Ali this is your nurse Spencer, Spencer this is my girlfriend Ali" she smiled when I said girlfriend

"I'm going to go Aria needs me" she looked down at Ali and smiled and left

When Spencer left Ali sat in my lap and hugged me

"I love you" she whispered

"I wanted to say that first" she kissed me.

"Well I got to say it first"

Her towel fell off her arm. She looked at her arm it was covered In dry blood.

I got up and wetted the towel and cleaned her arm. She didn't even wince at the pain

I looked at the slits on her arm. She looked at me then started crying into my shoulder

"I" *sob* "shouldn't  be" *sob* "here" I hated seeing her like this

"Ali you need to be here" I whispered

She cried in my shoulder for a couple minutes

"This isn't amusing to watch" she said with tears still falling down here face

I put my hand on her cheek "I'm going to help you through this"

She smiled "you can leave now, you're going to end up leaving anyways"

I put my other hand on her other cheek "I'm not going anywhere" then I kissed her. Then I got a text

Want to go get coffee with the girls? - Han

"Ali do you want to meet some of my other friends?" She played with her fingers

"They've probably seen the video" I looked at her

"Spencer was the one who helped you today, they're not going to judge you" I thought it would be nice for her to meet more people

She smiled "is that a yes?" She nodded

"Yay" I grabbed my phone

Is it okay if I bring Ali?

Of course- Han

Ali stood up and wrapped her hands around my neck.

"I'm nervous" I'm guessing she never had a good friend

"Don't be" I pecked her nose

We were about to leave when the door slammed shut.

"Alison" it was a deeper voice.

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