Round and round

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"I need you here with me
We can't go on this way
I'm falling hard for you
All I can say
We're going round & round
We're never gonna stop going round & round
We'll never get where we're going
Round & round
Well you're gonna miss me
Cause I'm getting dizzy going
Round & round & round

You come to pull me close
And whisper in my ear
You always told me lies
I've cried out all my tears
I push my feelings to the side
But then you bring them back
Bring them back"

Emily's pov

Ali never answered me and when we got home Ali ran in and locked herself in the bathroom. This seemed like it started getting repetitive and I was getting tired of it, I've been so busy with Ali I don't remember the last time I hung out with my friends. I groaned going up the stairs and knocked on the bathroom door. I heard muffled crying.

"Ali will you open up?" I put my head on the door

"Please?" No answer I didn't want to spend all day at the door so I left

Alison's pov

After I calmed down I opened the door and I was going to explain to Emily what's been going on but I looked all around for her and she wasn't there she left, I screamed and looked outside it started to pour but I didn't care I just wanted my Em back. I ran to her house and by the time I got there I was drenched. I knocked on the door and she answered she moved a little bit inviting me in.

"Em I'm sorry I didn't tell you it's" I shifted uncomfortably

"Ali I don't think I can do this anymore" she said while looking at the ground

"Em I said I was sorry" I whispered starting to tear up

"This is about more than an apology this is just a repetitive relationship and I'm getting tired of it" she said while running her hands through her hair "Ali I love you so much and I would love to stay your friend and maybe In the future we can work this out and try again" she whipped a few of tears

"I-I have to go" I said while whipping a few more of my tears and walked out the door

"Ali wait" she ran up to me, " it's raining are you sure you don't want to stay" I shook my head and started walking away but she grabbed my hand and spun me around and kissed me after like 5 seconds I pulled away

I slid the promise ring off my finger and handed it to her

"I'm sorry but I have to go" I yelled while running into the street and going home.

Emily's pov {2 weeks later}

"Emily I love you" she grabbed my hand and led me to aroom" I didn't say anything because I didn't want to tell a lie to her she was so sweet and honest and I didn't want to hurt her so I stayed quiet.

She pushed me on the bed, we had both been drinking I mean it was a party after all but we weren't so drunk we didn't know what was happening and we'd remember it in the morning. She started kissing down my neck sucking on my sweet spot earning low moans from me. She lifted my shirt off and gasped.

"Emily what are these" she said while running her hand down my stomach I started feeling angry she was there when it happened

"You were there" I sad coldly

"Oh" she looked down

"Look Maya, we don't have to go back to that night it was in the past we're  in the present" I kissed her cheek and she smiled

she continued kissing down my stomach I helped her take my pants off then she took her shirt off, she started playing with the hook on my bra she unclipped it and threw it somewhere she started massaging one of my breasts, my phone went off

"Are you good my to get that?" Maya asked me I looked at who it was and it was Ali I clicked the decline button

"Nope" I said and reconnected our lips.

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