Come on get higher

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"I miss the sound of your voice
And I miss the rush of your skin
And I miss the still of the silence
As you breathe out and I breathe in

If I could walk on water
If I could tell you what's next
I'd make you believe
I'd make you forget

So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love
So come on, get higher, loosen my lips
Faith and desire and the swing of your hips
Just pull me down hard
And drown me in love"

2 months later

Alison's pov

My eyes lazily opened I checked the time 12:00 to be honest that was probably the earliest I've woken up in the past few months. I shut my eyes trying to sleep. I wanted to have a happy dream about Emily and I but lately they've all been nightmares either about me leaving her or about her not loving me. I haven't been going to school, I mean I've attempted but I'll pass a picture of her or her favorite flower and I completely shut down. The girls and I have gotten closer, they check on me but they're not Emily. Today was our 1 year anniversary I was planning to go to that one restaurant I took her but that'd make me to sad. I sat up and walked to the bathroom I decided a relaxing shower would feel nice. As I undress I look at my stomach, the scars were still there but instead of red lines they were white. I wanted to keep my promise for Emily so when she looks down at me she'll have something to be proud of.

Emily's pov

I woke up in a comfy bed I walked downstairs to see Hanna making breakfast. I escaped last night I found my way out and ran to Hanna's I didn't run to Ali's cause I wanted to surprise her for our anniversary the girls were going to take her on a walk and I was going to show up.

"Hey Han" she turned around and smiled

"You ready for tonight" she said while handing me eggs and bacon

"I can't wait to see her, how is she doing?" She sighed and started putting away dishes

"She hasn't gone to school, and she stays in side, when she does go out she always cries" she looked at me

"But she's kept her promise" I smiled thinking she still thought about that

Hanna's phone went off and that night I was kidnapped flashed into my head

"Aria and spencer went to get Ali ready"

I walked to Hanna's room and started getting ready I took my shirt off and stared at my stomach The bruises on my stomach were a multitude of hues, colors that normally should not be on someones skin. There were garish purple splotches, roughly the size of a fist, while others were more grayish, but still looked just as bad. I closed my eyes trying not to remember what caused them.

Alison's pov

I was laying on the couch when my door opened at first I thought it was my dad but it was Aria and Spencer.

"We're going on a walk" Aria said while Spencer sat across from me

"I don't want to" I tucked my head into the couch

"You can't mope around all day get some air" Spencer said in her most convincing tone but I shook my head

"Please Ali" Aria said and touched my shoulder I looked at her and let out a loud groan

"Fine" Aria cheered

"I'm picking out your outfit" she said while running up the stairs

"I'm sorry Ali but you can't just stay in here all day"

"I know I just miss her"

"We all do" she said and then Aria came running down the stairs with a lose white dress.

"Geez Aria were walking not going to prom" she laughed and threw the dress at me.

I got ready and it was 5:30. I grabbed a picture of Emily and I, I think it was around when we first got paired up for the class project. I smiled and put it in my wallet I walked downstairs

"You ready?" Spencer said while opening the door

"As ready as I'll ever be" Aria drove us to a park

"What's so cool about this park?" Spencer laughed

"People say it's haunted" she laughed

We've been out for like 3 hours we ate food, we went to the lake now I was lost in the woods we were walking then they disappeared. I heard twigs breaking

"Hello?" I started to walk faster but more twigs started breaking

"Spence? Aria?" I started running faster till I was out of breath the twigs breaking stopped but then I heard footsteps coming near me

I didn't know what to do I covered my ears and expected to get hit or something but instead I felt a pair of arms wrap around my waist

"Happy anniversary babe"

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