You're not sorry

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"I've been giving out chances every time
And all you do is let me down
And it's taken me this long
Baby but I figured you out
And you're thinking we'll be fine again,
But not this time around

You don't have to call anymore
I won't pick up the phone
This is the last straw
Don't wanna hurt anymore
And you can tell me that you're sorry
But I don't believe you baby
Like I did before
You're not sorry"

Alison's pov

I've never felt so lonely before so lost
I was desperate I took the doctors recommendation and have a therapist come over. It actually felt nice to have someone listen to me who sorta actually understood. Then there was a knock on the door I opened it and it was her the person I didn't want to see at the moment but the person I loved the most.

"Ali who is that" she looked at my therapist

"Emily this is Ella" Ella put her hand out but Emily just stared at her

"How could you" she croaked

"Emily we're not--" but she ran away

"I'll be back" I told Ella and caught up to Emily

"Emily we're not even dating you have no right to be mad" I grabbed her arm

"Who are you talking about" she turned around

"BOTH, you and I aren't dating and neither are Ella and I"

"Then who is she" she crossed her arms

"My therapist" she smiled

"You got help" she continued smiling and I nodded she grabbed my hand

"Look Ali I'm sorry I shouldn't have ever said those things to you I didn't mean them" I rolled my eyes and yanked my hand away

"Emily I can't keep doing this" 

"Do what" she tried to grab my hand again but I pulled it away

"THIS" I emphasized about  the space between us, "you rip out my heart then try to put it back in place I'm not someone you can rebuild"

"But Ali I said I was sorry" I backed up

"Emily you've said that a thousand times but you keep doing the same thing" she stepped closer

"Ali I'm human people make mistakes" I stepped back again

"People do make mistakes but I can't --" she cut me off

"But Ali you're getting help things can work out" I shook my head in disbelief

"No matter how much help I get I'm not going to change I'll still have the scars I'll still have the history I'm stuck like this whether I like it or not, and I need to be around someone who accepts that" God she was sounding like Noel

"I'm sorry" she started crying but I just walked away

When I got home I slammed my door shut and threw my head into the pillow crying I don't know where Ella went but she was gone and my sobs echoed though the empty house. My breath was ripped from my lungs and the air was thick as I gasped.
I felt crowed in my skin and sweat followed by cold chills plagued me.
My eyes stung with anguish as tears streamed my cheeks it tickled and itched as they dried.
My stomach felt as though it was tied in knots and pangs of shuddering wracked my body.
A pressure built in my chest and my heart felt as though it would burst with emotion.
I wept so much my head began to hurt, until sleep finally came and took pity upon my wretched soul.
Such was my torment.

Emily's pov

Does she hate me? That question raced around in my head as I walked home in the rain, my heart hurt it felt like a wolf eating at my chest, tearing it's way to my broken heart, it threatened to devour me, eat me whole and leave what's left of it but I decided to fight it I just didn't know how. When I reached my house I sat on the window seat, staring at the ran falling down like a million falling stars,I looked at the rain droplets rolling down like tears. That's how I felt right now I think I lost the one I loved the most. I got into bed, I am beside myself
Tossing and frowning, I lost my head
I need to stop and find me again
a calming of the soul and tranquility within
and cease this war that rages in. I don't know what changed I mean when I first met her it wasn't a problem it's like it just suddenly hit me.

If it wasn't for the Blinding of the lightning and the Rumble for the thunder I would have sworn that I had been attacked with a sudden rush of insomnia. The bed sheets were twisted around my body from my tossing and truning so often. All I really wanted was to get some rest, but I wished she was by my side

I fiddled with the identical ring on my finger it was just like the one I gave Ali. I missed her cuddles, her love, her presence, her smile, I missed her. I'm going to change myself around that's my promise I'll keep.

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