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Hey guys, now you might be thinking why did you stop the Batman book? Well I had a think about it and I finally gave in that I might of broke the start of the prologue and after that I couldn't be bothered with it. So I finally started making a Until Dawn book. Enough said lets get into the Prologue.

(Emily's POV) Serves this bitch right, I thought to myself. Right now we were about to prank Hannah out of her wits. Hannah admitted that she liked Mike and Mike was mine. So right now everyone is hiding in Mike's room and Mike was on his bed, waiting for Hannah. Right on cue Hannah walked through the doors.

(Beth's POV) It was nice for Dad letting  Hannah and I use this cabin with our friends, peering out a window was one of my specialties and I was just watching to see if anyone was trespassing, I could only see a figure but every time I went to look closely it was gone. Spotting Josh sleeping on the kitchen table I naturally went to wake him up. Wow how sleepy was he? Looking next to him I could see a empty beer bottle, good old fashion big brother. I also spotted a note near the beer as well, I turned it over and began to read 'Hannah you look soooo good in the shirt, you might look even better if you didn't have one on! Meet me in my room at 7:30 -Mike'. Oh Hannah what have you got yourself into now?

(Mike's POV) 'Hi Hannah'. 'Hey Mike, I got your note'. And after she said that she immediately started unbuttoning her shirt. 'W-Wait let's start making out and then we'll go from there'. Completely ignoring me she takes off her shirt and throws it on my bed. At that precise moment the door bangs open and Emily is standing there holding a camera pointing at Hannah. 'Say cheese Hannah' she said through gritted teeth.

(Hannah's POV) I realised what has happened... Mike tricked me so they could take pictures of me without a shirt. My eyes filled with tears and I dashed past everyone and through the the door to go outside. I ran as fast as I could, I didn't care where I was going... Just as far away from Mike as possible.

(Beth's POV) I peered through the window again and realised there was a figure dashing away from the cabin... The figure looked like Hannah. Where was she going? Finally I put two and two together. Putting my coat on I ran towards the door, not realising that all my friends were outside. 'What happened to Hannah'. 'Um... We played a prank on her and she's kinda upset' Emily answered quietly. 'WHY THE FUCK WOULD YOU DO THAT, YOU KNOW SHE IS REALLY SENSITIVE' I yelled making everyone jump. And without another word I ran the direction Hannah went. I quickly saw a figure on the peak of the mountain. 'Hannah?'. 'Mike is such a jerk'. 'I know'. My heart stopped beating. Someone was watching us. Hannah must have realised it to because before we knew it we were running towards the bridge to the other mountain. I forgot the bridge is broken. Looking behind us we saw a figure in a nuclear protective suit advancing on us with a butcher knife held out. I grabbed Hannah's hand and stepped backwards! I grabbed onto the bridge as we were about to fall. The mystery man had his hand held out to help us, but I let go!

(Death) Hannah fell on a rock,with a crunch, blood spurting out of her mouth and Beth's neck hit another rock and slowly her head rolled off her body and stopped next to Hannah's body's.

Hopefully you liked the Change of POV'S during the prologue if not feel free to comment why and hopefully I can have the next chapter tomorrow. PEACE!

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