Chapter 2: Relationships

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You guys might describe this chapter as porn because of the way I describe the characters relationship with one another. Just to remind you this is not Porn!!! Anyway enough talk, let's go!!

(Sam's POV) Jesus Christ this is a long ride, I bet you it would take an- 'hey Sam, do you know how Josh and I met?' Chris asked. 'Do I want to?'. 'I'll take that as a no'. 'Well Josh sat at the back and I sat at the front so we barely new each other existed, but then one day the person that sat next to him kept on throwing paper at him. He annoyed him so much that the teacher moved Josh next to me. From that point on we became friends'. 'Um... Good story I guess...'. I finally came back to earth and fell over. Looks like the cable car stopped. Chris tried opening the door. 'Darn, it's stuck'.

(Jessica's POV) Where is Mike? That might be him now, as I heard a cable car stop. Getting up of my seat I looked for where the cable car stopped. Right next to me. Through the window I can see Chris and Sam pounding on the door. 'Let us out!' Chris yelled while Sam covered her ears. Pressing the button the doors automatically open. Chris runs outside. 'Never-Ever-going-on-a-cable-car-again' he puffed. 'Okay...'. 'You comin?' Chris asked, heading towards the lodge.'Er.. No I'll wait for everyone else'. 'Like Mike?' 'Shut up!'.

(Matt's POV) 'This is gonna take a while, why does the lodge have to be this high in the mountain'. 'Hun, come on' Emily demanded. So as I dragged the luggage along the stupid mountain I heard creeping behind me and Em. 'BOOOOO!'. Mike yelled, emerging from the forest behind us. 'Mike, WHAT THE FUCK' Emily and I said in unison. 'Jeez, calm down Em' Mike said annoyingly. And with that Mike turned away and headed towards the cable car station. 'Oh shit...' Emily said. 'What?'. 'I need to tell Sam something'. 'Alright if it's so important go tell her' I said sarcastically. 'Thanks Hun' Emily said, missing the sarcasm. Kissing me on the cheek, she dashed towards the cable car station. Now I had Emily's and My luggage to carry. This is gonna be sooooo fun.

(Ashley's POV) I guess while I wait up here I'll look at the scenery. Oh crap. As I am looking through the binoculars I can see Mike and Emily hugging. Wait isn't Emily with Matt and Mike with Jessica. I couldn't ponder on it too long because a face had just popped up in my binoculars. HAHAHAHA! 'Matt that's not fucking funny'. 'Find anything good' he said chuckling. 'Um... I...Well...Er... Take a look, I guess'. And as Matt took the binoculars away from me I stood back away from the explosion. 'Oooooh look it's Emily... And Mike... HUGGING!'. 'What the fuck Em?' He said pacing up and down. 'Matt, I'm sure it's nothing' I said untruthfully. 'Is it nothing when it's about Em?' He yelled. 'Er...'.

(Jessica's POV) 'Well hello handsome' I flirted with Mike. 'I'm not handsome... I'm er cowboy' he said then without warning he threw a snow ball onto me. He jumped on top of me and held me down. It was time... I put my lips on his. He took his lips away. 'You want some for later then?' I asked. 'You have no idea' Mike grinned.

How did you guys like this chapter. I know you did Kirito_YT especially the last part. Anyway guys I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I'm hoping to get the next one to a 1000 words. Anyway tomorrow is gonna be a new chapter hopefully two!

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