Chapter 11: Bath

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Next chapter is the final one for today! ;(

(Sam's POV) Finally I was relaxed in my bath, violin music playing in the background. It was soooo relaxing. Suddenly, a sound of a door slamming shut filled my ears. I stopped the music. 'Guys?' I called out. 'Creeps...'. I went out of the bath and wrapped a towel around me. I went towards the table where I laid my clothes on. My clothes weren't there anymore. 'Really?' I asked no one in particular. I opened the door and into the third floor. I guess they were down stairs. I looked around and saw no one. I went to the first floor and saw that the theatre door was open. I went inside it and heard the doors behind me shut. 'SHIT!' I yelled. 'Hello Samantha' a voice that sounded like it was in auto tune said. 'Now I want to show you some things and let's see how you react' it says. The wall infront of me has a video projected on it. The video had me taking a bath. 'How?' I asked the voice. It didn't reply. The video of me change and it turned into a video of Josh with a saw in front of him. Next thing I know, there is only half of Josh left. 'NOOOOO!' I shout. Without warning the doors flew open. And there stood a man with a mask, a mask they use in horror movies. He was holding a needle. I realised what was about to happen. I threw a vase at him and ran towards another door and closed it. I was in a bedroom. I jumped over the bed and ran downstairs to the basement. I heard the bedroom door open. I turned right and ran towards the hallway. There was another door except this one had no door knob. 'Really' I pant. I felt like he was right behind me. There was a shelf next to me. I reached up and the shelf fell. I saw the knob and put it on the door and pushed. I opened the door and shut it as soon as I came in. I locked it. I was in a little room with another door. I opened that door but it was locked. I pushed and fell down. I stood up and looked forward. It was a hallway. I hurried over to the end of the hallway. I looked left and saw another hallway. I quickly ran in the hallway. But the killer flew out of nowhere and held me down while pressing the needle to my neck.

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