Chapter 4: Not Alone

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Hey guys, so I am sorry for not posting a new chapter yesterday, I was really busy so I am gonna be updating 6 chapters every week. Anyway hope you have a lovely time reading my book. Let's go:

(Emily's POV) I looked at the bags Matt had carried up here, something was missing. 'Matt?'. 'Yeah'. 'Where's my bag?'. 'It would probably be at the cable car station or something'. 'Well then why don't we get it' I said fiercely. 'Uh... Ok' he said quickly. We made our way outside, but the bag was the least of our problems.

(Mike's POV) We made our way to the back of the lodge. 'This is really sexy'. Jess said with a purr. 'Almost as sexy as you'. 'Oooooh, keep complementing me like that and we are gonna have sexy without the y' she said slowly. I grinned. We were getting closer and closer until Josh opened the door we came through from. 'Mike your gonna need to turn on the power to see where your going' He said breathlessly, 'It's dark out there' he added quietly. He closed the door behind him. 'We will continue this later, after we turn on the power' I said eagerly. I walked on the path towards the forest. Looking forward I saw a gate. Walking towards it, with Jess behind me. I guess I have to press the button. As I pressed the button the glass down below flashes red. 'Okay, first we need to start up the power generator'. I looked at Jess, she wasn't looking at me. She was looking at the shed on the right. 'I guess it's over there' She said nervously. I walked towards it and went inside. There the generator was. I opened the flap and flicked on the button. I looked just below the flap and saw a handle. I pulled it twice. 'Great work Mike' Jess said. I looked behind me and saw a light on a street lamp. Walking towards the gate I pressed the button again. Instead of turning red it turned green. Pushing the gate open Jess rushed into the area the gate was blocking. She dashed over the bridge. I hurried over to follow her and we followed the path up the mountain. Looking forward the way to the guest cabin was blocked. Looks like there was a detour to the cabin on our right. Jessica hurried over and disappeared. 'JESS?!'. 'Down here Mike' She called out from below me. I jumped down. This was or used to be a mine. We made our way around the mine cart and went up the steps on our left. I could see the exit now. Obviously Jess saw it too and hurried outside with me closely following her. On our right I saw a sign that said cabin. We followed the path that led to the cabin. 'Ooooooh look a telescope' and without further ado she peered through it. 'What the fuck?'. 'What?'. 'There's someone at the cabin'. 'Let me see'. I peered through the telescope. I saw no one. 'Nothing'. 'Maybe'. I opened the gate on our left and continued to the cabin. I could feel like someone was thing me but no one was there. And as we made our way closer and closer to the cabin I could feel Jessica's excitement running high. But there was a log blocking us. Jessica climbed onto it and made a snowball. 'Mike, there's something on your face'. I felt around my face and WHAM! I made a snow ball myself and got ready to fire but as I looked back up the log Jess wasn't there anymore. AHHHHHHHH! I heard Jess cry.

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