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Jenna's POV:

I want to go to prom sooo badly, but no one has asked me, and it's in two days. I sat at lunch picking at my food. Valentin Chmerkovskiy, a boy in my grade, came and sat next to me.

"Hey Valentin." I said glum.

"H-hi Jenna," he said quietly. He was shaking. I wanted to ask what was wrong, but I was too upset.

"Can um I ask you a question?"

"Yeah, of course."

"Is there any chance um I c-could take you to uh prom?" He stared at his shoes.

"What?" I said in shock. Val is extremely cute, and I heard he's a great dancer.

"Can I take you to prom? I'm sorry I asked so late, I just figured you'd get asked, then when I found out you weren't going, I had to work up enough courage to ask you."

"Of course!" I smiled at him.

"Really?!" His face lit up.

"Really, but why was it so hard for you to ask me?"

"You're beautiful, and I don't know, I just get nervous around you."

"Awe thank you. Here I'll give you my number so I can text you my address."

"Ok! And thank you."

"Thank you for what?"

"For saying yes."

Awe he's so cute!


I got ready within two hours, which should be like an all time record for big events. I year a knock at the door, and I bolted down the stairs, but my dad got to it first.

"Hello Mr. Johnson," Val said politely.

"Hey, you must be Val."

"Yes sir."

"What's that short for?"


"Dad, stop!" I yelled from the stairs. Val looked at me and smiled.

"Watcha starin at, buddy?" I laughed.

"You! You look gorgeous."

"Thank you," I blushed a bit.

"Oh we have to take pictures!" My mom said grabbing her camera.

"Moooom," I whined.

"Oh stop, it's a prom tradition."

"Here," Val said putting the corsage on my wrist. I discreetly kissed his cheek so my parents wouldn't see. We took pictures then headed off to the highschool. Val opened the car door for me, took my hand and led me in. We sat uncomfortably at a table for a bit. His hand was shaking and sweaty and he seemed nervous.

"Val, is everything ok?" i asked concerned.

"um, uh yeah."

He kept switching glances from me to the dance floor. A slow song just came on. He stuttered trying to ask me something.

"Val, do you wanna dance?"

"um uh yeah. I am a ballroom dancer, but Ive never um like slow danced with a girl before." His cheeks turned red.

" Awe Val dont worry! Its easy! I'll show you."

I took his hand and led him out to the dance floor.

"Just wrap your arms around my middle or my waist, whatever youre comfortable with, and I'll put mine around your neck, then we just sway back and forth," I explained.

"Ok," and he did what I told him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him in closer, resting my head on his shoulder.

"See, isn't this fun?"


"Hey, you're one of the popular cool kids, why are you being so shy and nervous?"

"Well its just, I really like you, and from the minute I saw you, I just wanted to kiss you, and hold you, and call you mine."

I lifted up my head and looked him in the eyes while I was blushing.

"You mean that?"

"Of course princess, I'd never lie to you."

The song ended and we sat back down. After an hour or two we decided it was time to go.

We arrived at my house and we walked me uo to the door.

"Thank you Val. This was amazing."

"Im so happy you enjoyed yourself."

He leaned in, then leaned back a little, becoming hesitant.

"You only regret the chances you didn't take," I whispered.

He leaned back in and our lips touched. I could feel him smiling. We parted, and I hugged him tightly.

"Goodnight Val."

"Goodnight, Love."


so sorry it took so long to get up! i got sooo busy. my birthday was yesterday and today was the first day of school, but hey im 13 now 💁🏽 and got a new phone! 😍

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