Snow Storm

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prompt: everyone at the dwts studios gets snowed in. (pretend LA gets snow) 😂😂😂


Val's POV:

We all had been at the studio a little later celebrating Emma's birthday. It was only eight o'clock but we were all ready to go home, since it had been a long day. Keo opened the door, and a huge gust of wind blew some snow in. He shut it fast. We all checked the weather on our phones. The roads had been closed off.

"I guess we are all staying here tonight," Derek said and we all went into the biggest rehearsal room, and sat down getting comfortable. A few producers got some blankets for us so we weren't freezing. We got settled and began to talk.

"Alek, are you and Emma dating?" Brittany asked.

"Yeah, are you?" Jenna chimed in smiling, making me smile.

"Yeah," Alek said quietly and blushed. He put his arm around Emma and pulled her close and she leaned into him.

"Let's play truth or dare!" Sasha suggested.

"Alright I'll go first," Sharna smiled. "Jenna, truth or dare?"


"When you see a cute guy, what's the first thing you wanna do?"

"Wrap my arms around him and snuggle him till my heart is content," she said and we all laughed a little. She glanced at me, blushed slightly, then looked away.

"Ok my turn," Keo said. "Val, truth or dare?"

"Dare, man."

"I dare you to let Jenna sit on your lap the whole game."

"That's more of a dare for Jenna."

"Come on bro."

"Fine," I said. I looked at Jenna and patted my lap. She awkwardly got up and sat down. I put my arms around her waist.

"Is that ok?" I asked her quietly.


It was a little warmer sitting with Jenna than alone on the hard dance floor. She was getting tired so she leaned back on me a little bit and I pulled her closer.

"Jenna, truth or dare," Sasha went.

"Dare," she yawned.

"I dare you to kiss Alek."


"Jenna, you have to."

"He has a girlfriend."

"It's fine Jenna, it's just a game," Emma said.


"Awwe Jenna doesnt want to kiss him, because she has a wittle crush on someone else, those Valenna shippers are right," Sasha teased.

Jenna's cheeks turned red and a tear ran down her face.

"Hey, knock it off," I defended her.

"Awh look at the protective boyfriend."

"Sasha, enough," Brittany was getting mad.

"Y'all are boring," he said leaving to the other room. Jenna got up and went back to her original spot. Dang it, Im cold now. It was getting late so we all moved to the wall and lied down. I made sure I was next to Jenna, but not too close. We all drifted off, except for me. I was watching Jenna sleep. She kept shivering. In her sleep, she put her arms around my middle and pulled herself into me.

"mmm," she mumbled and smiled as she nuzzled her face into my neck. I couldn't help but laugh a little. I like semi-conscious Jenna. I thought about what she said earlier. Does she like me? I slowly fell asleep.

I woke up at 3 A.M. and looked over to see Jenna still asleep. She had her head and her hand on my chest now. I put my arm around her and rubbed her shoulder.

"" she slept talked. I shook her a little to wake her up.

"Jen, wake up."

"Huh?" her eyes opened.

"You were sleep talking."

"Oh, sorry." She looked down tired, then looked up quickly at me and scooted away, realizing she had been cuddled up to me.

"Sorry," she whispered and looked down embarrassed. She laid back down, and closed her eyes. She kept rubbing her arms and shivering.

"Jenna. Psst, Jenna."


"Come on over here, you're freezing," I said lifting up my blanket. She crawled over next to me and got under.

"You can lay your head on me. You were practically on top of me earlier."

"Ok. And sorry about that."

"It's ok, you kept me warm." She smiled and got comfortable. She closed her eyes again.

"You're so perfect," I whisper. Crap, I said that out loud. 

"What?" she opened her eyes again and looked up at me.

"Um nothing."

"Oh," she said disappointed. Maybe she does like me. Come on Val, show her she's special. I leaned down and kissed her nose, making her giggle.

"What was that for?"

"Your nose is cute."

"Haha, thank you."

I kissed her again right under her nose, giving her a hint. She looked nervous as I leaned in again, this time pressing my lips on hers.  She put her arms around my neck and cuddled up close.

"I love you boo," she giggled and kissed my cheek.

"I love you more, my little blue eyed angel."

"Nuh uh, I love you the most."

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