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Dr. Collins hooked me up to check my blood pressure, and continued with his other seemingly endless tests. Finally, when he was finished, he put his hand on my shoulder and told me to follow him.  Easy enough, even for a “stupid” girl like me.

He led me out the door and into an office. I wouldn’t even call it an office. It looked more like a family living room than a work space, but the sign on the door clearly said “office.”

Josh/Hatred was sitting on the red couch, scarfing down chips and yelling touchdown for his favorite team. Needless to say, he was definitely not filling out paperwork. What a liar.

“Josh, may I speak with you?” Dr. Collins asked in a calm tone.

Josh/Hatred didn’t unglue his eyes from the large television. “What?” He replied, rustling the chip bag.

“It’s about your girl, Hayley Jenkins.”


“Hayley Jenkins, the one you’re supposed to be watching over right now?” Dr. Collins’ frustration was intensifying. 

“Oh, her. She can wait to eat, who cares?” He continued stuffing salty chips into his oversized, smart aleck mouth.

“I care. I’m taking over you’re duties. Obviously you aren’t right for this position. I’m going to recommend that they fire you, and they will. You’re upsetting every girl you come in contact with and that’s affecting their health.” He spoke rapidly, but strongly. It was surprising to hear him say “I care.”

But does he really?

Josh/Hatred finally detached from the football game. He turned toward Dr. Collins with an apologetic face, and then he noticed me. His eyes transformed from self-pity, to ultimate disgust.

After a few beats, he left the room without another word. I could finally relax and take a deep breath.

“Well, until we interview someone else for the job, I guess I’ll take over as your keeper.” Dr. Collins stated.

“Thanks Dr. Collins.” I smiled slightly. I didn’t want to thank him. He was still a man. He still only wanted me for one thing: procreation. He fired Josh/Hatred because he interfered with my health, not because he was awful to me.

Still, I had to thank him.

“Call me Nathan from now on.”

I nodded.

“Let’s go get you some food.” He suggested. We walked out of the “office” and down the hallway.

By the time I got into the cafeteria, the tables were packed. I rushed to get breakfast before it got cold.

Cold eggs are just disgusting.

I grabbed something from every table and scanned over the seating choices. Once again I saw the girl with pink hair. This time though, she was sitting with two people; a boy and a girl. There was something else different about her. She was smiling and laughing.

I strutted to the table, plumping down on the hard seat.

Everyone stared at me like I was an elephant balancing on a ball.

Was I that weird?

The boy cleared his throat. “Here I’ll dump that for you.” He picked up Pink’s tray and whisked it away to the trash can.

The girls stared at me.

Finally, Pink’s friend spoke. “Who are you?” Her tone was annoyed.

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