The House in the Woods

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I pulled away from Nathan and looked around. It was strange how foreign the world now felt. The sun was shining in the sky, but there was nothing happy on this earth. My life has become pathetic.

“They never caught those other girls.” Nathan spoke gently, obviously trying to brighten my day.

I shrugged. I didn't care about them.

“You did good, you know? Take some pride in yourself. You can't save everybody.” He placed his arm on my shoulder.

“I should have saved her.” I said, stepping away so that his arm fell off of mine.

He didn't reply. We stood there for awhile. Me thinking about how horrible life was, and Nathan thinking of ways to make my life better.

Forcefully, he grabbed my hand.

As I turned to see what his problem was, he said, “Run.”

My face contorted. Run?

“Go on. I know you want to.”

I wanted to. I really wanted to.

The street didn't have much traffic, I could easily cross it.

Something crossed my mind though, and suddenly I blurted out, “Only if you come with me.”

What? Did I really just say that? I still wasn't sure how I felt about him. If this was Normal World, like before any of this happened, I would have easily been attracted to him. But in Nightmare World, I hated him. How could you work at a place that experiments and tortures women? How could you be associated with that? Does this guy have no guilt?

I definitely did not want him thinking I liked him or anything, so I added, “I just don't want to be alone.” Honestly, I had no problem being alone.

Actually, I'd prefer it.

Nathan's hand rose to his chin as he contemplated it.

“Fine, but you have to listen to what I say. Where I go, you go. If I say to do something, just do it.” Jeez, bossy much?

“For your safety.” He added, seeming to read my thoughts.

“Deal.” We shook hands.

Nathan started down toward the busy street, walking as if we weren't escaping right then. He stopped and looked both ways as we approached the road.

It felt good to be out of that building and into the real world once again. I swear it was driving me crazy in that place. The fresh air will help a lot.

Fresh air brought me back to Pink. What would they do with her body? What would happen to her child? would they keep it for testing? It would have a terrible life, always being prodded and poked at. Surely the father would protect it. Or so I hoped.

“Feeling better? I know it's tough being cooped up in a room for that long.” Nathan spoke as he strutted with both hands in his pockets.

“Not really.” I admitted. “Why did you come with me? Aren't you afraid they'll find you?”

He shook his head, making his curly hair bounce back and forth. “I know where I'm going. And they won't find me there.”

Oh God, is he planning on killing himself? What is he going to do with me?

“W-where's that?” I stuttered, afraid of his answer. 

“You'll see. It's not too far from here.” I let in a deep breath, at least it was an actual place.

As we continued walking, all the memories of the building left me. All I could think about was finally being free. Well, not free exactly, since I had to be in hiding for who knows how long. But free, as in, no creepy men will watch my every move; as in, I don't have every meal scheduled; as in, I'm finally free to speak when I want, do what I want, and nobody can make decisions for me.

Nathan and I arrived at our destination; a small country house positioned in the middle of the woods. It looked nice, but very old.

“They'll find us here.” I stated. They could track anyone down if they wanted.

“No they won't." I widened my eyes as he dusted the dirt off of a lever. Hidden in the dirt was an underground capsule.

I was left speechless.

Nathan twisted the lever and opened up the capsule. He led me down a ladder that seemed to go on forever, until my foot eventually hit solid ground.

Inside the tunnel was pitch black and if I'm being honest -which I am- I was scared to death. Every time I see darkness, I think of the times I'd blacked out. First when the men stole me away from my room, then after Pink passed away. They were all terrible experiences.

Nathan held me close, which made me feel a tiny bit better, I was less scared. I could hear him shuffling through objects. Then he turned on a flashlight.

“That's better.” He said and I agreed.

Peeking around the room, I noticed that it looked similar to an average living room. There was a couch, table, and even a radio to pass the time. Sure, it wasn't fancy. There wasn't a TV or gaming systems, but it was more than I expected.

"How did you find this?" I blurted suddenly, I was truly amazed.

"The house outside was my home. My dad built this bunker to protect himself against world disasters. He never got to use it though."

I nodded quickly. Where were Nathan's parents?

Nathan then led me to the kitchen, bathroom, storage room and bedroom.

“There's only one bed, but I'll sleep on the couch.” He suggested.

“No, no. This is your place.” I rebutted, wondering why I was being so polite.

“No really, I want you to have it.” He fought back.

It was ridiculous, fighting over a bed.

“We can share. It's a big bed.” I suggested.

Nathan stared for awhile at me, studying my face for sarcasm. I guess he was wondering why I was being so polite too. After realizing that I was not kidding, he agreed.

And I was sort of glad he agreed. I've been getting used to him sleeping in my room with me. If he's not there, how would I ever get to sleep?  

Hey guys!  How do you feel about what happened? Are you glad Hayley and Nathan's relationship is growing? Will they be found? What do you think happened to Nathan's parents? Is Haley going crazy or are the things she's seeing real? Don't forget to comment, vote, etc.

I really, really appreciate every single comment or vote I get! Thank you!

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