Alex Arrives

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I startled awake and sat up in my bed, Nathan snoring gently beside me. Something was banging on the metal door to the capsule.

I shook Nathan awake. “Listen.” I whispered, my heart pounding like I had just ran five miles, my eyes as wide as bowling balls.

The thumps from above continued. Nathan's eyebrows wrinkled together; pure confusion. “There's no way they found us. Are you crying? Hayley? It's okay.”

I hadn't even known I was. He hugged me up against his chest and let out a sigh. Sliding my hands around his waist and rubbing my face into the softness of his shirt proved to be helpful. It reminded me of my dad. Every time I cried as a child he wrapped me in his arms and refused to let go until I smiled.

We were shocked into stillness when we heard the metal creak and open.

Oh my God. We're going to die. They will shoot me. Or maybe beat me with a club. Or a shoe. Whatever is handy.

I clutched onto my heart as I heard footsteps make their way down the long ladder. With every passing second the steps became louder and closer.

Finally, the person was right outside the bedroom door.

“I love you.” Nathan breathed into my hair.

Wait. “Wha-”

The door flung open. I shut my eyes, readying myself for the oncoming pain.

But there was none.

“Alex? What the hell?” Nathan shouted. Alex? Who's that? Some man from the facility I presume. Maybe to take me away.

As I open my eyes, I can't help but gasp.

This wasn't a man. This was a girl.

She was dressed in Men's clothes with short hair, but there was still no denying her gender.

“What are you doing here?” She asked, certainly surprised.

“I was going to ask you the same thing.” Nathan spat at her. “I thought you were dead!”

“I live here.” Shrugging her shoulders, she appeared perfectly fine about the fact that she was thought to be dead.

Nathan was left speechless, forcing her to explain.

“I ran away, with Brad. Then we broke up and he tried to turn me in to the government. So stupid, like I would let that happen. So I came down here, found some of Dad's clothes and started my new life. As Martin.” Her comical tone angered Nathan. His face burned red.


“My new identity. Martin Taylor. Thirty-two. I work at a Walmart close by. My wife died and I have no children. My parents kicked me out at the age of 13, so Walmart started paying me under the table. Good place, that Walmart.” She stuck out her hand and smiled, wanting me to shake it.

I grabbed it and shook. Nice to meet you “Martin.”

“Come on, take a joke. You used to be funny.” Alex/Martin nudged at Nathan's shoulder.

“Shut up. How did you even know about the bunker? Dad said I was the only one he ever told.”

“Obviously not. He said the same thing to me.”

“He wouldn't lie to me.”

“Yes he would.”

“No. He really wouldn't.”

“Excuse me.” You could tell they were siblings. Nobody else would bicker like this. “I don't mean to be rude, but where are your parents?”

Both siblings turned to shoot me an icy glance.

“They died.” Alex said, suddenly not in a humorous mood.

The silence in the room could have killed. I wish it had killed me. Or at least teleport me somewhere. I couldn't handle the intense looks.

“I am so sorry, I didn't know.” I said to fill the odd silence.

No more intense looks, suddenly Alex starting crying.

“My life is so horrible. I hate it.” She murmured through the tears. I rubbed her back awkwardly, hoping to give some comfort. But she pushed my hand away.

Nathan shooed me away and closed the door, explaining that “she hates when people see her cry.”

So I was ushered out the door. I searched the small rooms for something to do. I finished off a whole bag of chips, turned on the radio (though it was too fuzzy to understand), and took care of hygiene (as in shower, mouth wash and moisturizing lotion.) It felt amazing to be in a cozy, homely setting for once, instead of the cold science center.

I searched the house for something more entertaining to do. The drawers to a wooden table were opened halfway and filled to the brim with papers. Inside, the drawer was filled with various clippings of newspaper articles, diary entries, and writings from Peter Collins. Nathan's father?

Just I was inspecting an article written about Nathan's science fair project, the bedroom door flew open. I shut the door immediately. I don't want him to think that I'm snooping.

Even though I am.

Alex ran out with a tissue in her hand, heading for the bathroom.

“She's just cleaning herself up. We can go back to sleep now. She's taking the couch until we can figure some things out.” Nathan pulled me away from the living area and back into the warm bedroom.

I closed my eyes and drifted into sleep.

As soon as I did I had a nightmare.

There was a man chasing me. He had a needle filled with poison. As I was running I tripped over something. Suddenly stopping, I peered down and there laid my mom. She was staring blankly into the sky. I crouched down beside her and checked for a pulse. There was none, her arm was ice cold. The man was catching up to me but every time I tried to run again, Mom kept grabbing my leg. She was holding me back so that I couldn't run. I was scared to death.

My eyes shot open and the bed was full of sweat. I tore the blankets off of me and realized the sweat wasn't just coming from me. Nathan was having a terrible dream too. I could tell. I wish that I could comfort him, like he comforts everyone else.

Hi lovely readers! Sorry that this chapter was a little short, I just found a pretty good place to end it.

How do you feel about Alex? Do you like her? What do you think about the papers from the drawer? What does Hayley's dream mean? 

Thank you guys for any comments/votes/etc. I appreciate it SO very much! Keep me motivated! I will be inclined to write faster xD 

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