Ticking Clocks and Beating Hearts

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Nathan and I stood outside the door in complete silence. The quiet hallway made my ears ring. I slowly slid my way onto the floor.

I thought about praying to God.

But I'm positive that he now hates my guts.

My eyes drifted down the empty hallway, stopping at an odd light. I turned my head, trying to get a better look. The golden stream seemed to be leading to my room.

“I'll be right back.” I mumbled to Nathan, though I couldn't tell if he heard me.

Once inside my room, I gasped. There sitting on my bed was my mother holding an antique clock that read 5:26.

I shuddered. Why did I keep seeing this number?

“Mom, why are you here? Please tell me. Is Pink going to be okay?” I pleaded for her to answer me.

Unlike the other times, she cleared her throat and started talking.

My mother's sweet voice was like a melody to me. I hadn't heard her sound this good since before she got sick. I almost forgot how wonderful it was.

“Hayley, you don't need to be afraid. He'll protect you.” She smiled.

“God?” I asked.

Mom laughed, filling the room. I wondered if Nathan could hear us.

“No, not God. You'll see.”

The clock began to tick louder and louder, but every time I glanced at it, it stayed still.

“What about Pink?”

The question went unanswered as the door flung open and she vanished. The ticking of the clock still sounded in my ears. Was I going crazy?

Nathan came in, looking very strange. “Are you okay? I could hear you talking, but nobody's here.”

“I'm fine.” I shouted, pushing my way past him. Why did he have to interrupt such a crucial moment?

The door to Pink's room was opened. Did I dare go in there?

I took a deep breath. I dealt with my own mom's death, I can deal with this one. I shut my eyes and walked in.

“Hay...” Pink's voice was barely a whisper. She was to exhausted to even say my full name.

I decided to take a chance. I opened my eyes.

Pink laid on her bed, hooked up to every machine possible. We were the only ones here.

“I'm going to die.” Pink said suddenly. She didn't seem sad about it, just certain. “They told me.”

My mouth dropped. We were in this together. She made me a better person. I wanted to help her, save her. We were going to be free. I shook my head as tears flooded from my eyes.

“You,” She started, then took a long breath and moaned, “need to get out.”

The steady beat of her heart escalated and her eyes grew wide. I grabbed her hand as her body began to shake.

The man that sat with her at the lunch table days ago ran in with blurry eyes. He carried Pink's baby in his arms.

He kissed Pink's colorful hair, then whispered in her ear, “I love you.”

She gave one last smile to him and her child, and the rapid beeping seized.

My hand shot to my mouth. I couldn't believe it. I can't handle it.

I blacked out.

I woke up and immediately started panicking. Where was I? My bedroom doesn't look like this? I hate green. Why would I have green sheets? That's when I realized. I wasn't at home.

Memories became nightmares as I started recalling them. The plan. Falling. The blood. My mom. Pink. The final beeping of the heart monitor. The man holding the newborn child.

He cared about her. I know he did.

The way he kissed her head. The tears.

He wanted Pink to see her baby before she passed.

He wanted to be there in her final moments. He didn't have to, but he was.

To be honest, I thought all these men were careless creeps, incapable of feeling.

We need more men in this building like him.

But why would he apply for a job here anyway?

Nathan was relaxing in a chair when I sat up.

His face displayed such sympathy that I couldn't bare to look at him. I didn't want sympathy after all.

I just wanted Pink back.

Later that night, I thought about what Pink said. “You need to get out.” She said it so urgently. Why would she choose that to be her departing words?

I agreed with her though. I do need to get out. My mind was a mess, I was seeing things.

Nathan sat in my room with me the entire night. We didn't speak to each other. He told me the next morning that I was having night terrors. I'd wake up screaming and drenched in sweat and tears. But truly, I don't remember any of them.

Finally, Nathan spoke up after not moving or talking for hours, “Do you want me to get you anything? Coffee? A blanket?”

“No. I just want some fresh air.” It was true. My mind was overheated with thoughts.

Nathan jumped out of his seat and reached for my hand. At first I thought about pulling away, but decided against it.

He led me to the door with the siren. Reaching up, he typed in a special code and turned the horrible machine off.

“After you.”

It felt like heaven as my foot touched the cement.

The blood.

I jolted back.

Oh God. It was everywhere.

I peeked down, but saw no blood.

They cleaned it.

Nathan pulled me into a tight hug.

As he rubbed his hand through my hair, he gently spoke, “Everything's all right. I won't let anything else happen to you. I promise. I'm so sorry.”

I was too mortified to cry. I just stood there and enjoyed the warmth of his protective arms.

He was my escape from harsh reality, my protector.

The wind in the air started to become more powerful.

And I could have sworn I heard it say,

He'll protect you...

Hello my wonderful readers! I'm back from my super long break! Hopefully I still have a few loyal readers...

Do you think Hayley is going crazy? Or is she really seeing her mom? How do you feel about Pink's sudden death? (Poor Pink, I felt bad writing that!) What do you think Pink's last words meant? 

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