Spirits Talk

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The next morning, I woke up with sudden chills. I heard Nathan and Alex bickering in the living room, about something trivial, no doubt.

As I went to stand up, a sharp pain shot through my leg and I collapsed onto the floor, causing a huge noise.

“Hayley? Are you okay?” Nathan yelled, hearing the crash.

I sat on the floor hugging my leg. It hurt so much that words wouldn't come out of my mouth.

The door opened and Nathan and Alex both appeared at my side.

“What happened?” Nathan asked, swooping me into his arms and laying me gently onto the bed.

“My leg.” Was all I could mutter out.

He examined my leg for a few minutes then whispered to himself, “Oh god.” At second glance, I could see red veins across my knee.

By the way his face looked, I could tell bad news was approaching.

But really, what more bad news could there be? My mother had died, I had been kidnapped, I would never be able to see my father again, and was now running from the government.

“What is that? Oh my God. Am I okay?” My words hurried out of my mouth, not waiting to be answered.

“You're going to be all right.” His voice wavered and he couldn't look me in the eyes. Worry filled my chest.

“Tell me, I can take it.” My breathing sped up and I could feel my throat tightening. Tears were incoming.

“Hayley, I just can't say it to you. But you're going to be okay.” His eyes began to break down, showing more emotion than I had ever seen. He held my hand and softly said, “I promise.”

“I'll go get you some water.” Alex said, drifting away.

I couldn't help but stare at her and wonder if this would be the last time I would see her. This disease isn't usually speedy, but it always has the same outcome. This is what made my hopes diminish. There was no chance, zero. Survival wasn't an option.

I would never get married, have children, graduate. I would never be able to see the end of this horrible situation. I wouldn't be able to say “I survived that rough time.”

I would only be a statistic.

As Alex made her way back into the room, sitting on my bed and handing me the ice cold water, my thoughts started to wander. Maybe it shouldn't have been me versus the government this whole time. We should have been battling the same war. Studying, developing, and curing, instead of fighting and kidnapping.

By the time my mind finally stopped, I noticed I was alone in my room. I glanced around until my eyes caught something behind the closet door. A white light, its glow growing brighter. I had to shut my eyes to avoid being blinded by it.

“Hayley.” It spoke with a soft girly voice.

I squinted, realizing that it was a young girl. With dark curly hair and a golden dress. Her eyes were blue crystals.

“Who are you?” I whispered. Didn't really need everyone to think I'd gone crazy too.

“That's not important. It only matters who you are.” She spoke with such great diction that if it wasn't for her high pitched voice, you would have thought she was a well educated adult.


“He'll save you. He'll protect you. Don't worry, just trust him.” She giggled and began to fade away.

“Wait!” I screamed, but it was too late.

Nathan rushed into the room.

“What happened? Why'd you scream?” His eyes were wild with worry.

What explanation did I have? A little girl was in here but she faded into thin air? No.

“Just, a bad dream.”

“I'm going to fix this. Don't worry, okay? I know I'm not the greatest doctor, but I have determination. I have to save you. I don't know what I'd do now that I've found you.” He stuttered, trying to find the right words. “Can I tell you something? A secret?”

“Of course.” I replied, still shocked by his compassionate words.

“Do you believe in spirits? I know this is going to sound weird, but I swear to you, it's true. Sometimes I think I'm crazy, but it's like they talk to me. My parents. They say weird things, like small hints to what's going to happen or what I need to do. Ever since they died, all I hear is 'Hayley.' That's all they ever say.”

Shock overtakes me and I can't help but smile. Knowing that you're not crazy, is a beautiful feeling.

“I know exactly what you mean. I've had that too, with my mom.”

Our small heart to heart is enough to cheer me up a bit. Even if I only have one more minute on this Earth, I know it was well spent.  

Hey everyone! How do you feel about this chapter? Now that Hayley's sick, does this change everything? Did you see this coming? Don't forget to vote or comment (I love comments!).

I also need to thank my wonderful boyfriend for buying me a new tablet to write on ^_^ 

Have a great day! :)

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