Chapter 5

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Everyday, Gab was always with me, every moment I turn my head, he was there, never gone except when we don’t have the same class. But he makes it a point to be outside the room, waiting when I went out. Sweet, right? Perfect guy, huh? But still, many question still circled around my head.

Like, why just now?

“Gab, why just now? Why did you tell me your feelings just now?”

“I told you last week, right? Was that yesterday only?”

“Gab.” I warned him.

“OK, OK. It’s because I’m a shy guy inside although I act tough in front of everybody else and I’m sorry if I let you cry sometimes and if I’m bad to you. It’s because the last time, I didn’t want to agree with my heart that I like you. But everyday pains me each time I see you mad because of me. Up to the point that I can’t take it anymore, that’s why I asked Kelly to help me with you and she did, know, these things take time.”

“That was long…Was that a speech you just said right there? Cause...correct me if I’m wrong but that’s quite long for a guy to say.” I said, laughing at him.

He just chuckled and helped me with my books while I put aside some, inside my locker. I lead him to the darkest corner of the locker room and asked him, “Are we boyfriend-girlfriend already?” I was waiting for an answer but instead, he kissed me on the lips! That was sweetly rude. His lips were as soft as a pillow and his touch on my neck made my hair airs jot up. “That was a yes,” I said when he stopped kissing me.

“I love you, Jenny.” I blushed. “I love you too, Gab.” That was a first, first kiss.

Ecstasy was what I felt.  

We continued walking hand in hand, no awkwardness, not one bit. Then a poster caught my eye, it really caught my attention. It was a poster for wanted writer! This is an opportunity. A big one because the chosen short story would be published for a thousand copies or more. Whoa. “Gab! This is an opportunity for me!”

“What?” he turned to me and I pointed at the poster. “Oh...”

“Don’t you feel happy?”

“Of course I am!” he said, with an obviously feign smile.

“Don’t you want me to give it a try?” I gave him the puppy blue eyes.

“It’s your choice.”

“OK.” I looked at the deadline, it was next month. “Gab, forgive me but I need my laptop now, see you tomorrow?”

“Jenny, that’s still next month.”

“Yeah, I know, but...please?”

“I’ll come with you.”

“But...fine...” We went to my dorm room and I opened my laptop while Gab lay down on my bunk bed. I lay first beside him while thinking of a topic. I need to do my best, not just any random topics. I need to make a story where you can learn something about it and where people wouldn’t want to skip a page. I want my story to be addictive.

“Hey, I’ve got an idea.” I looked at him.

“What?” I asked him.

“Why don’t you write a story about us?”

“You think?”

“Yeah, that would be great! That way, I could read your story, our story.”

“Well, I think that’s great. I’ll get started now, okay? Feel at home.” I left him and started working on “the best story”. The first chapter was about the past years when he hadn’t told me his feelings yet. The chapter was depressing because it was like “He’s just using me”. He-he.

“Really, you always cried?” I almost jumped when I heard his voice. I was too preoccupied in “our story” that I forgot that he was in the room.

“Uh…I supposed?” I blocked the screen with my hands.

“And…did I ever hugged you ‘accidentally’?” he asked me. That was why I didn’t want people reading my stories while it’s still ongoing. I didn’t want to answer questions while I write.

“Not everything that I write in here is true. Not everything that you did those past years was exactly wonderful, okay? Some were extremely bad.”

“Oh...” He was speechless; maybe he realized that just now, while he was reading “our story”. “By the way, I’ll just see you tomorrow, okay?”

“Yeah sure, no problem.” He gave me a peck on the cheek and left. When he was gone, I closed my laptop and dropped on the carpeted floor, kicking my feet up and giggling by myself like crazy. I just can’t believe that we’re together now. I began singing “Pocketful of Sunshine” when the door creakdc open in the middle of my singing. I quickly stood up and thumbed through my hair. Kelly went in with two packs of chips with Cherry holding three beers. “We got to party for my in-a-relationship-friends!” Kelly shouted, closing the door behind her.

“Whoah! Ha-ha.” We sat on the matted floor and had a candle for light instead of bulbs. “Kelly, I was just wondering why you never had an actual boyfriend.”

“Oh…I never took those things seriously. And no one gave me the feeling of ecstasy while kissing but maybe if I felt that ecstasy, I’d know he’s the one.” I suddenly remembered the feeling when Gab kissed me. It was pure ecstasy...! Fantastic!

“Oh...” Cherry and I managed to say.

“Hey, you Cherry. What’s the name of your guy?” I asked.

“Japp,” she said dully. Her voice was always like that whether she’s interested or not. But I already got used to it.

“Cool name, Japp...” I said. Japp was a pretty cool name for a guy, huh? Hm...Japp Baker...Cool... I shook my head frantically, I’m daydreaming again about the baby boy’s name...Ugh...what a loser am I?

“What’s with you?” Kelly asked me.

“Nothing. Do you want to watch a movie?” I changed the subject.

“Prom?” Kelly asked, giggling. The movie “PROM” has been one of my favourite movies. It’s a must-watch movie.

“Sure!! For the third time.” I got the DVD from the rack and played it.

As we watched, we ate the chips and just watched till the movie ends.

Oh, I missed this girly bonding time...

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