Chapter Ten

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Chapter Ten

“Holy crap! Are you serious, a tiger?”

“Yes I am dead serious, it was following him around like a dog” Ivy replied as her and Hailey walked along the main street in town. Ivy had driven straight to Hailey's place after the blown tire incident. She had woke Hailey up and dragged her out of bed and into town. She had waited until they had gotten the books from the store before she told her the story of what had happened. They were now walking down the main street headed for the diner to have some lunch.

“And you have never seen him around before?”

“Never, it was like he appeared out of thin air.”

“Well I guess lucky for you he did, otherwise you would have been stuck changing the tire yourself”

Ivy laughed “Yeah that would have been a sight to see, I don’t even think I could have lifted the spare off the back of the Jeep”

“I sometime forget that you don’t have our strength”

They walked into the diner and made their way to their usually seat which was thankfully empty. Ivy paused as she was walking and stared at the man sitting at the table across from the one they sit at.

“What is it?” Hailey asked.

“It’s him” She whispered

Following where she was looking Hailey glanced at the man that sat across from their table “He’s cute for an old guy” She said shrugging her shoulders “I don’t see his pet tiger anywhere though”

Ivy glared at her “I wasn’t making It up Hails, he really had a tiger with him”

“Come on let’s sit down” she said grabbing Ivy’s hand and dragging her to their seat.

She glanced over at the man who was already looking at her, he smiled at her “Ah we meet again” He said. Her eyes widened when he stood from his chair and made his way over to her. “Would you young ladies mind if I join you?”

“Not at all” Hailey said, Ivy reached out and kicked her under the table.

The man sat down next to Ivy, “I’m Carter, you must be a friend of Ivy’s?”

“That’s right” She said smiling at him “I’m Hailey”

“Well Hailey I’m sorry about what I am about to do, but I need to talk to your friend in private.

Hailey looked at him confused she opened her mouth to speak but stopped.

Ivy felt a warm breeze brush her skin she realized it was no ordinary breeze when her skin started to tingle with the familiar feeling of pins and needles, she looked at her friend who was sitting perfectly still, she waved her hand in front of her face “Hailey are you alright?” She asked. She started to panic at the sight of her friend sitting statue still.

“I assure you she is perfectly fine” He said.

She turned her head and glared at him “What did you do?”

“It is just a harmless spell I assure you, it will only last about five minutes. You will see I haven’t done anything to hurt her, but I really do need to talk to you.”

She was still staring at her friend in shock, “A spell? What like Harry Potter type of thing?”

“Something like that” He muttered but didn’t sound too happy about it.

She looked back at her friend and could see her chest moving, she sighed thankful that she was still breathing. But other than her chest no other part of her body seemed to be moving, she didn’t even blink. Ivy couldn’t help the fear she felt as she turned back to the man sitting beside her.

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