Oneshot winner Epilouge by Walk_away_Alive

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Congratulations to Affliction epilogue One shot Winner by Walk_Away_Alive If you wish to check out more stories by this writer her account is


Twenty Years Later

“Isaiah, you better get your but down here!”  Ivy yelled up to her son, not believing what he had done to his sister.

“Yes, Momma?” Isaiah said sweetly as he cautiously made his way down the stairs.

“Don’t you ‘Yes, Momma’ me, young man.  Now, would you care to explain why you put dye in your sisters shampoo?” Ivy questioned her eight-year-old son, slightly scared of the answer.

“Liam told me too!” Isaiah waled before he bolted into the other room.

Ivy let out a sigh and made her way to the lounge room.  She should have known that Liam was behind this. Again.  Wade walked up to Ivy and wrapped his arms around her waist before nuzzling his face in her neck, inhaling her jasmine scent.

She turned around, now facing her husband.  “We need to talk about Liam.”

“I know,” Wade agreed with a sigh, knowing that his mate was right.

Much to her detest Ivy pulled away from Wade and went on a search for her other children, knowing they would’ve forgotten something when they packed.  For the first time in months they were going to visit her family in the Crystal Lake Pack.  As much as Ivy had tried, they could never seen to be able to find time to visit her hometown.  With four kids and another on the way, along with their duties as Alphas, it was almost impossible 

Are you guys almost packed? Ivy messaged Isaiah and Liam, since the rest of her children couldn’t mind link.

The twins, Isaiah, and I are.  I don’t know about Charlotte though.  Haven’t seen her, Liam told her.

“No doubt trying to wash the dye out,” Ivy mumbled to herself as she made her way up the stairs.

Ivy knew that her suspicions where correct when she could here the shower running and her daughter groaning in what she assumed to be frustration.  Gently knocking on her daughters bathroom door, she entered and gave Charlotte a small smile.

Charlotte whipped her head around and looked at her mom.  “Isn’t there some sort of witchy magic I can do to change my hair back to normal?”

“I’m afraid that if there is, I wouldn’t know.  Who knows though, I was only had my powers for a short amount of time.”

“Oh, yeah,” Charlotte replied to her mother, voice empty of all pervious hope. 

“Your grandfather would know more about it though.  So hurry up and pack your things.”

That got Charlotte up and moving to quickly pack the things she’d need.  Ivy let out a small chuckle at her daughters eagerness.  She can remember the day she was born like it was just yesterday, even though it happened nearly eighteen year ago.  Both Ivy and Wade were very worried when they found out that their first born was indeed a witch.  Not only would there be the possibility of the pack not having an heir for the Alpha position, but the fear that their daughter would become an outcast.

However, the real surprise was when she fell pregnant again with her son Liam.  At first everyone just thought that it was luck, but when she fell pregnant again with twins everyone was convinced that it had something to do with Ivy having witch blood.

Finally, everyone had their things packed and Ivy was getting everyone in the car while Wade made sure everything was okay with the pack before they leave.  They both decided to have Liam and Isaiah drive out with their father and the twins, Lucy and Aaron, and Charlotte to go with Ivy.

“Mama, can you tell us the story about our names? Please Mama?” Lucy begged her mother on the way there.

“Yeah Mama, please?” Added her brother, Aaron.

“Of course.”

Ivy then began to tell the tale of Lucy, and how the hunters never would have been able to be defeated if it weren’t for their great-great-grandmother, the Crystal Lake Pack probably wouldn’t have survived.  She then began to tell her son about the story of their great-grandfather, Aaron, and grandfather, AJ’s.

By the time she was finished they were pulling into the long dirt road that lead to the pack house.  She smiled at both the good and bad memories that were being brought back.

Right there Jason screamed like a girl, she thought to herself as she remembered the day when Jason had originally found out about shifters.

“Aunt Hailey!” Lucy and Aaron shriek as they get out of the car and run towards Hailey.

“It’s so good to see you again,” Ivy told her best friend as she hugged her.

“I know!  And look how big you are getting!” She exclaimed, motioning at her large stomach.  “Do you know the gender yet?”

“No, we’re waiting for it to be a surprise.”

“Is Carter here?” Charlotte asked Hailey whence she got out of the car.

“Yes, he’s in the lounge room with the others.  Dear god, what happened to your hair,” Hailey questions, reaching out to touch the neon pink hair.

“No time.”

“Liam and Isaiah happened,” Ivy explained.

“How are you?” Ivy asked, concerned for her best-friends well being.

“I don’t know what I’ll do without him Ivy,” Hailey confessed.

“Well, you know I’m here for you,” Ivy reminded her as she gave her a small smile.

About five years ago Hailey’s mate, Jason, died during a rouge attack.  Even though he was a werelion, he still wasn’t able to defend him and his daughter and survive.

By the time Hailey and Ivy made it to the living room everyone was already there and catching up with each other.

“Why don’t we all go to the waterfall, just like old times?”  Will suggested.

Everyone agreed, and before we knew it we all shifted and took a run to the waterfall.  All except Hailey and Carter that is, both deciding to stay behind and see if they can fix her hair.

As Ivy was running there in the woods with her family and friends, its when she realized that she couldn’t have asked for anything more in life.  Throughout her life she had her struggles, but she knew that she wouldn't change it for anything

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